Icecold's mobility thread

Thanks for that. I actually have no idea so I do need to work on these, tonights gym session will most likely focus on just legs!

Just had a quick run through those hamstring workouts, never even seen a Bulgarian Split Squat before so that should be interesting. I have a feeling i'll be falling all over the gym :)

Any specific roller I should get? I've seen the rumble rollers which look awesome, but have no idea which one would be best. Price doesn't really make much difference as I have a birthday coming up \o/

Will probably have to search for a Graston Practitioner. found on in Solihull but thats quite a way away from where I live!
Rumble roller. It will hurt, but that's kind of the point. Make sure you get the hard one.

the rumble is great, but not as a main roller. I have the grid and the rumble, after previously having a 66Fit one.
Rumble is fine as a general roller, the protrusions actually make it more versatile.
Great! thanks :)

EDIT: Any idea on what I should be aiming for in terms of hamstring strength?
It's all relative.

The actual answer is: Strong and with good enough activation and control to balance out the other muscles inserting into the knee.

A lot of people have a significant deficit in their hamstring strength (poor movement, poor posture), and really all you need to worry about is getting them stronger rather than trying to lift a certain amount of weight (which isn't exactly the same thing as strength...).

A decent barometer for good hamstrings is your ability to do GHRs.
awesome, thanks for the info, with that and all the info on feet i've got a crap load to work on!

Much appreciated!

Will get hold of a roller asap too!
Seem to have a bit of a problem with my left shoulder when doing lateral raises, my left shoulder seems to pop when getting towards the top of the lift. Would you advise getting this checked out or is it something I can fix?
FAQ entry #1

Q: I have ANY PROBLEM AT ALL in my shoulder.

A: You might have tight pecs. Proceed with soft tissue work, focussing on pec minor and along your clavical, and pec stretches. Also ensure that your shoulder internal/external rotation is good.

Tongue in cheek, but also srs.
Any advice for Psoas mucle pain/injury?

I've always got a bad back and when it gets really bad, I start to suffer with pain around my abdomen and groin. I go to see an osteopath who sorts out my back and treats my psoas muscle and then repeat this cycle every 6 months.

Apart from posture is there any sort of mobility stuff I can do to help lower back pain and hip flexibility?

p.s - I play football and my hamstrings are seriously short and weak, I can't get within 2-3 inches of touching my toes when standing up. Seems a common theme for footballers.
FAQ entry #1

Q: I have ANY PROBLEM AT ALL in my shoulder.

A: You might have tight pecs. Proceed with soft tissue work, focussing on pec minor and along your clavical, and pec stretches. Also ensure that your shoulder internal/external rotation is good.

Tongue in cheek, but also srs.

This thread is gold, but would be awesome if all the info from throughout the thread was on the first page. So if you're not busy can you just trawl through all 32 pages, edit the pertinent info into the first post and fix all the links.


:D :p
This thread is gold, but would be awesome if all the info from throughout the thread was on the first page. So if you're not busy can you just trawl through all 32 pages, edit the pertinent info into the first post and fix all the links.


:D :p

You could trawl through the whole 12(!) pages and do it for him? ;)
Any advice for Psoas mucle pain/injury?

I've always got a bad back and when it gets really bad, I start to suffer with pain around my abdomen and groin. I go to see an osteopath who sorts out my back and treats my psoas muscle and then repeat this cycle every 6 months.

Apart from posture is there any sort of mobility stuff I can do to help lower back pain and hip flexibility?

p.s - I play football and my hamstrings are seriously short and weak, I can't get within 2-3 inches of touching my toes when standing up. Seems a common theme for footballers.

Poor core strength probably causes your back pain... exacerbated by bad hip mobility.

Check the first page of the thread for hip awesome. :)
Any advice for Psoas mucle pain/injury?

I've always got a bad back and when it gets really bad, I start to suffer with pain around my abdomen and groin. I go to see an osteopath who sorts out my back and treats my psoas muscle and then repeat this cycle every 6 months.

Apart from posture is there any sort of mobility stuff I can do to help lower back pain and hip flexibility?

p.s - I play football and my hamstrings are seriously short and weak, I can't get within 2-3 inches of touching my toes when standing up. Seems a common theme for footballers.
There are forms of soft tissue work you can attack your psoas with (searching the thread might bring them up). Variations include lying on your back with a kettlebell digging into the area while you move the leg on that side around, and lying face down with medicine ball under one side of your lower abdomen and rolling around.

Also, attack terminal hip extension. This means stretching out your anterior (front of) hip, the stretches for which are scattered throughout the thread.
This thread is gold, but would be awesome if all the info from throughout the thread was on the first page. So if you're not busy can you just trawl through all 32 pages, edit the pertinent info into the first post and fix all the links.


:D :p
I do intend on doing this soon :)
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