Icecold's mobility thread

Rumble roller. It will hurt, but that's kind of the point. Make sure you get the hard one.

Rumble is fine as a general roller, the protrusions actually make it more versatile.

It's all relative.

The actual answer is: Strong and with good enough activation and control to balance out the other muscles inserting into the knee.

A lot of people have a significant deficit in their hamstring strength (poor movement, poor posture), and really all you need to worry about is getting them stronger rather than trying to lift a certain amount of weight (which isn't exactly the same thing as strength...).

A decent barometer for good hamstrings is your ability to do GHRs.

About to purchase roller (its taken a while but its finally pay day!).. Should I go for the Rumble extra firm or original?
About to purchase roller (its taken a while but its finally pay day!).. Should I go for the Rumble extra firm or original?

How brave are you?

I found I got used to the blue one after a couple of months and it stopped really doing anything for me... the black one, however, is naaaaaaaaaasty.
For what it's worth, I haven't found an 'all-round' mobility drill yet either, instead I have to do mobility stuff for the hips, roll the quads, stretch the hell out of the hamstings and then carefully rotate the knee and give it a few wiggles, usually works.
Thoughs? Seems to be outside and inside of knee? Yes, it changes.

Having had a think about this recently (due to more focussed quad work), make sure TFL gets a thorough beasting, together with your ITB. It may be that vastus medialis (inner quad) is just getting hammered because it's not used to being used as much as previously, having moved from low -> high bar. I know I've been getting much worse DOMS there recently (but that could literally be anything! :D )...

Is there something all-round? Probably, but I'm not aware of it - I just make sure all my thighs are nice and have no particular tight spots.
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