Training 12/12/12
Warmed up, but felt completely shattered. Warm ups from 180-220kg were moving terribly, I just couldn't get a comfortable line. My phyio appointment on thurs confirmed that I was all kinds of tight in my mid/upper back (this is new!) and hammys (not so new).
DB bench
various warm ups
Definitely effected by my general fatigue, but still an improvement.
Snatch grip RDL (belted)
Easier belted, but still horrible. I think I've more or less exhausted their usefulness, possibly time to move back to regular RDLs. They must be adding to my back fatigue, plus they've definitely caused some hypertrophy in some places.
Neutral grip CGBP
Think I've got the hang of these, time to increase load.
Machine row
Physio 13/12/12
Just a general "tune up"
Back obliterated, feels awesome now. Injured hammy also given some punishment.
Training 14/12/12
Box squats
Warm ups
I think I'm finally getting my hammies to fire properly. These went from leaving 1 rep in the tank to 3-4 on the last set. Rehab more or less complete I think. I might do one more week of these but with more weight while still emphasising massive sit back, but with a max of 3 reps. Because of vertical shins and slightly below parallel-ness, the reps take ages and I'm gassed after 2 reps. It's also possible that these where better because of the physio work...
Paused bench
bar x lots
80x5 paused
100x5 forgot what I was doing!
Felt pretty good. Just checked last weeks weight, it turns out this was nice progress. Again, these were getting stronger through the sets. I think its possible that really forcing tightness has added to my fatigue; focussing more on control and speed was lots better (this is not general advice, definitely specific to how I'm screwed up). Again, physio definitely earned his money here.
Pull downs
Various variations
Unusual I know, but I had a hunch that these would allow me to control my shoulder position. I was right, and was able to hit the parts of my back that I wanted.
Cobra row (???)
Me and Dom trying something our physio mentioned a while ago. Not very useful for me, but Dom and another guy found a lot of value in it.
Today (and physio thursday) reminded me of the importance of keeping on top of tissue quality. Despite having decent range in my hammies, their tissue quality was terrible. My mid/upper back being messed up is something I'll be keeping on top of. Good lord, even more warm up time!
Warmed up for the bro down tomorrow
Edit: I've just realised, next goal is 500lb (227.5kg) squat