If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

Dog owners should be made to attend and pass a thorough training course with each and every one they own, regardless of breed.

I have been charged by countless dogs whilst running and the owner finally ambling over to me, after I have already stopped, and informing me that "he's friendly, don't worry" is of no use whatsoever. If you cannot command your dog to stop and/or sit with 100% obedience you have no business owning one, let alone taking it out in public.
  • Rre-ban the practice of homosexualism.
  • Re-introduce capital and corporal punishment.
  • Ban the wearing of hats indoors, unless required for safety reasons.
  • A total ban on advertising.
  • Make it illegal NOT to own a gun.
  • If you own more than 1/4 acre of land you will be legally required to fly a union jack on a minimum 20' flag pole.
  • Various legislation to regress the Americanisation of the British Isles, use of the word fries instead of chips, pharmacy instead of chemist, trick or treat instead of guising, and so forth.
  • A special tax on places like Best Buy, Taco Bell, etc.
  • Ban pitbulls
  • Rre-ban the practice of homosexualism.
  • Re-introduce capital and corporal punishment.
  • Ban the wearing of hats indoors, unless required for safety reasons.
  • A total ban on advertising.
  • Make it illegal NOT to own a gun.
  • If you own more than 1/4 acre of land you will be legally required to fly a union jack on a minimum 20' flag pole.
  • Various legislation to regress the Americanisation of the British Isles, use of the word fries instead of chips, pharmacy instead of chemist, trick or treat instead of guising, and so forth.
  • A special tax on places like Best Buy, Taco Bell, etc.
  • Ban pitbulls

Oh God yes. The United Kwerkdom. All hail our glorious new leader! :D
  • Rre-ban the practice of homosexualism.
  • Re-introduce capital and corporal punishment.
  • Ban the wearing of hats indoors, unless required for safety reasons.
  • A total ban on advertising.
  • Make it illegal NOT to own a gun.
  • If you own more than 1/4 acre of land you will be legally required to fly a union jack on a minimum 20' flag pole.
  • Various legislation to regress the Americanisation of the British Isles, use of the word fries instead of chips, pharmacy instead of chemist, trick or treat instead of guising, and so forth.
  • A special tax on places like Best Buy, Taco Bell, etc.
  • Ban pitbulls

I'd like for congestion charges and toll bridges to be made illegal. I went to London a couple of weeks back and those Southerners take the **** with their special taxes, who do they think they are? :mad:
But this is again a logical fallacy.
No it isn't.

You may not agree with it, but it's not a logical fallacy. ;)

Many people are there through their own life decisions. I'm not beyond helping those who find themselves in poor situations through no fault of their own but those who effectively placed themselves in such a situation have little to no sympathy from me. Plus, I know from experience that there is help out there but many people don't seek it out.
Where do people who lose the ability to help themselves (due to poor parenting or bad experiences) "fit" into this simplified & ultimately flawed version of reality?.
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