If you could make one currently legal thing illegal...

Just because I cannot afford a Ferrari, luxury holidays in Monte Carlo or a 10 bedroom mansion doesn't mean that other people should be forbidden from affording them..

Maybe not. But people who are homeless, dying, starving, diseased, freezing cold, with no drinking water, etc, etc, etc... People should forgo luxuries that they can live without until such time as everyone has a basic standard of living...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone should be the same, just that a gap as large as it is at the moment should be illegal.
Maybe not. But people who are homeless, dying, starving, diseased, freezing cold, with no drinking water, etc, etc, etc... People should forgo luxuries that they can live without until such time as everyone has a basic standard of living...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone should be the same, just that a gap as large as it is at the moment should be illegal.

But this is again a logical fallacy. Making the 'gap' illegal is essentially a punitive measure against those at the higher end of the wealth scale, not a positive measure that actually helps anybody at the bottom of the scale, which is what you're trying to achieve.

Misery loves company and all that.
Yea other than that naked flame thing. You are golden! herpderp.

Again, I don't understand this at all.

Your so incompetant you can't be trusted to hold a miniscule flame that is lit for about 1-2 seconds and would instantly go out in the event you dropped it etc?

Then you shouldn't be driving at all, regardless of smoking or not.

You obviously have no idea what your talking about.

And i'm not even a smoker you know! Its just so blatantly obvious that it's not a distraction or a hazard while driving.
Maybe not. But people who are homeless, dying, starving, diseased, freezing cold, with no drinking water, etc, etc, etc... People should forgo luxuries that they can live without until such time as everyone has a basic standard of living...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone should be the same, just that a gap as large as it is at the moment should be illegal.

Many people are there through their own life decisions. I'm not beyond helping those who find themselves in poor situations through no fault of their own but those who effectively placed themselves in such a situation have little to no sympathy from me. Plus, I know from experience that there is help out there but many people don't seek it out.
Yeah that.

Also standing in front of Tube/Train doors when people want to exit.

This and in addendum, Old people who think that their free travel pass also means that they don't have to wait in the queue like everyone else and push on to the vehicle.

I've had to use public transport for the last 2 weeks and it's practically an everyday occurance.

unskilled immigration!

And this. 3.5 million on JSA, plenty of unskilled labour right there.
Youtube, seems to be a haven for the dredges of society to further lower their IQ if you look at most comments.

As for people saying horse poo...

1. it's not like dog poo, it's basically grass so doesn't have the same health issues
2. most people who ride can't get off and back on without a mounting block due to height or age, it can be a fair way to get up
3. you can get things to catch it, but you'd be surprised how jumpy horses can be, anything can scare them (bin bags, tyres, pigs, wind)
+1 fat people.

They should be made to wear a shock collar and all processed food packaging will have a special RFID chip in it. If they get too close to the food it gives the a harsh electrical shock.
The divide between rich people and poor people. It should be illegal for the richest person to be more than 10x richer than the poorest person...

I hear cuba is nice at this time of year....

Edit: I think it should be illegal to indoctrinate children into a religion, advertise religion, in fact anything to do with religion which isn't confined to the privacy of the home or place of worship.

Yes, I mean no more religious schools, either.
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