IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

It's certainly a lot better than it was at launch, still a long way to go yet though, you'll find value is dependant on what you want from it, personally I just enjoy flying around using the enhanced engine management stuff and doing quick missions whilst waiting for further reaching improvements. Bearing in mind you'd pay £20 for a single aircraft for MSFS I see it as good value, others do not.
I was hoping for something that felt like more "gamey", this feels like a simulator in the truest sense of the word.

I mean I would have liked a stronger campaign with fleshed out characters, huge story arcs and so forth. Disappointed in that respect.

As a sim its perfect, the flight mechanics and everything is the best I've encountered.

You're barking up the wrong tree if you wanted anything other than a simulator from this.
All you guys buying now, remember to turn off the eppilepsy filter and SSAO in the gfx setup else your performance will be even further crippled.

They're currently working on an overhaul of the gfx engine that will, according to Luthier look the same but give no less that 50% performance increase :eek:

Here's his post:

Hi everyone,

The patch has gone up to steam. It should autoupdate your game version in a few hours once it propagates down to the world. As long as autoupdate is enabled in your steam (Library – Cliffs of Dover – RMB – Properties – Updates – Always keep this game up to date) you do not to take any further actions.

Patch notes can be found below.

And here’s where we are in terms of plans. We obviously remain hard at work on the series. We will continue to improve the game up until the eventual release of its sequel.

Our main priorities now are:

1. Physics and FM. This means plane behavior in the air, brand new landing gear model on the ground, collision modeling including tree collision (if performance allows), and improved vehicle physics.
2. AI. Currently working on everyone’s favorite controls flutter and AI wingman behavior. Also working on improving radio comms, getting your crew to be more verbose on the intercom, and lots of other changes. Coupled with #1, this should give us quite a dramatic change in how air combat looks and feels.
3. Performance. We are in final stages of testing a thorough overhaul of the game’s graphic engine. It won’t look any different but it will be much more streamlined. It’s too early to say what the FPS increase will be in the final version, but it shouldn’t be less than 50%.
4. Sound. The sound in the v15950 is considered a beta. We will continue to improve existing sound, and to add new ones to the aircraft and to the world around them.
5. SDK. As promised earlier, still planning to release a map-making SDK in the near future. More details will be released when we are ready for them.

I won’t put an ETA on any specific feature at this point. We will go through the same general process as before: internal testing first, then open external testing, and then finally the release. Generally, releases should follow at about the same pace as they have with the current patch.

Thanks everyone, and we hope you enjoy the game!
I just got a 6870 so I could play BF3. Thought I'd give this a go aswell, I had bought it but performance was rubbish.

There's no one playing online? Found 1 lobby, that's it. It's saturday night and no one is playing, the game is dead then I guess.

Also is it usual for performance in London to be literally non existent. The game didn't even load any textures, just a black screen. Performance over dover is good though. Odd.

Anyway if anyone wants to play I'd love to get my moneys worth from this game so reply if youre interested :)

Plenty of people playing online whenever I look, no one uses lobbys though, just browse the servers. ATAG is a good one and is also available via Hyperlobby I believe.

Makre sure you have anti-epilepsy filter and SSAO turned off, and delete the intro movie too as it's a known bug that it locks ATI cards into a low clock speed which is obviously detrimental to game performance,

They're currently doing a big overhaul of the graphics engine which is supposed to increase FPS be 'no less than 50%', obviously wait and see on that though :)
C:\Steam\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\parts\core\GUI\Logo.wmv

Obviously C: will depend on where you have it installed, just delete or rename the file and be aware that steam will re-download it if you verify the game files and when any patches come down.
For less than the cost of an aircraft (singular) addon for FSX it's worth the money, just please remember that it does it have it's issues.
They did that to a few people when it was released, they were pretty quick to sort them out if I recall correctly.
it is torque from the prop spinning , reduce your throttle and prop pitch a bit
or gradually increase speed slowly

And don't forget to use the rudder to compensate on takeoff, it's a strong effect, for example the Hurricane take off prceedure states you want full right rudder trim at takeoff.
This has been uninstalled from my PC for a while now. When they release the updated engine I'll get back into it but for now I can't stand the micro stutters. Been playing Wings of Prey instead - lovely game that one if a little overly simplistic. (My sig isn't quite right, I'm running dual 5850s Xfire now and it still struggles.)

Did you try reducing texture size, forest and building settings?

Dano, why can't I join the ATAG server?

Everytime I try it gets to about 95% loaded then just hangs forever. Is there something additional I need to download, an addon or something?


No idea, firewall isn't blocking steam or something silly like that is it?
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