IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Finding I need to delete the cache folder contents, conf.ini and revert back to current release before applying beta patches otherwise I get graphical corruption.

Really need for the radio commands system to be fixed now, it's crucial to any single player action.
More good stuff coming in two weeks :D

Luthier said:
Hi everyone,

We've been hard at work on a whole bunch of stuff here. Quicker fixes are now a thing of the past; we're working on larger more complex stuff and so patches, updates and improvements will be coming at a slower pace.

Our next BETA patch is tentatively scheduled for two weeks from now for Friday the 17th, and the release version of it is scheduled for the Friday after that, June 24th.

The next patch will contain:

* Improved streamlined multiplayer GUI
* Other multiplayer improvements - more stability, all plane settings like convergence and paintscheme working at all times, less rare bugs, etc.
* Various graphical improvements. The distant clouds are finally back - i.e. the flat representations of clouds you saw on beta screenshots with pretty sunlit borders. Finally fixed the landscape stripes bug, etc.
* Improvements to FM and DM and various cockpit systems, as usual - long list there.
* AI improvements, including at least the majority, if not all, of the order system working.
* A new warship!

Other things that are in the pipeline:

* Sound. This is probably the biggest issue we're facing. We're taking a very drastic approach to the issue and pretty much redoing our sound from scratch. This means you won't see the new sound for a few more months.
* FPS. The final remaining performance issues, which fortunately are comparatively minor, lie very deep in the engine, and require us to do a significant amount of work. Probably at least 2 months of it.
* Online stability, more anti-cheating controls, and server and aircraft SDK - also a few months out. Dedicated Server SDK and documentation is probably going to be done the quickest.

NOTE: this isn't an exhaustive list, but rather the main bullet points.

So stay tuned for more patch info next week. I'll try to do more regular weekly Friday updates from now on.
Updated gfx drivers?

What version number is it showing? bottom right hand side of main menu.

Does it run ok if you turn everything down to lowest settings?

And yeh, it was running fine on my old C2D E6600, 8800GTS and 2GB Ram so something isn't right, sounds like you've got the unpatched mess :(

That there is your issue, it needs patching, steam should have sorted it by now to be honest, have you got it set to be kept up to date? It should be 1.01.14550.

In the mean time you can locate the launcher.exe file in the steamapps/common/il2 directory and disable desktop composition off the right click properties menu.
June 24, 2011 - v1.02.14821 Release Patch

It should be available for auto-update from steam in a few hours.

Unfortunately two major things we cut out of the beta version of the patch did not make it into this release. Distant 2D clouds continue to conflict with NVidia SLI. The old Il-2 co-op style plane/position selection GUI also needs more work.

These changes will be released shortly.

As a bit of consolation, the patch now contains the Bf.109 E-1

Here's the readme. The current patch contains the following changes:

* Added Bf. 109 E-1;
* Added a Minensuchboot 1935 German warship;
* Added crewmen models to various ships;
* Improved damage system for radars and other large objects;
* Improved in-mission map, added some simple navigator tools.

* Reworked Spitfire visuals;
* Minor changes to Spitfire hatch damage;
* Fixed graphical issues in BR. 20 radioman's cabin;
* Added machine gun belt animation to BR. 20's ventral gun. Shells now slide off 2nd tray opening when there are around 60 left;
* Minor changes to Blenheim Mk. I;
* Minor changes to D.H. 82 pilot's cockpit.

* Ammo clip counters will not reset when a gun runs out of ammunition;
* Planes will no longer accept inappropriately named damages from user-made strategy modules and scripts (i.e. damage to 2nd engine on single-engine aircraft);
* Weapon slot definitions now accept overriding a gun's rate of fire, allowing special configurations and synching guns;
* Finalized routines for fixed loop radio compass.

* D.B. 600x - equipped craft (Bf. 109 & 110) now start parked with propellor pitch set to fine;
* Flak fragments now have more destructive effect;
* Removed rate of fire variation off Bf. 109's and G.50's synchronized nose guns;
* Will not attempt to reload a gun that has run out of ammunition. This will show correct animations and ammo counter readings on aircraft affected;
* Force feedback will no longer produce gun shake when guns run out of ammunition;
* Adjusted deceleration of detached aircraft chunks;
* Pilot's radio compass in BR. 20 M is now operational, and works in fixed loop mode;
* AI pilots can now leave combat when their morale is low, such as when suffering losses or losing leader;
* AI pilots can now give chase to enemy cowards trying to escape;
* Improved and expanded orders menu

* Redesigned the multiplayer and plane / player selection GUI;
* Added new graphical emoticons (smileys) to pre-game chat. Smileys do not show up when playing the actual game;
* Fixed "not found UC0" issue when connecting to a server;
* Engine RPM will no longer drop when you change position to gunner/bombardier while flying as a pilot on multi-seat aircraft;
* Game now properly displays Friends-only servers in server search;
* Enabled joining multiplayer servers from steam and not just from the in-game server search;
* Spawn areas now properly switch sides when airfields are captured;
* Improved script spawning for ground objects.

Luthier has also stated that the sound engine has been started from scratch and will require several months to complete, do not expect any further fixes to the sound as it stands...
Well it runs fairly well now and it is great for flying but it does still have a lot of issues that need resolving.

Not sure about gfx card ranking, my 560Ti seems to cope with it pretty well.
Can be had for £13.99 at the moment from:


news from the devs:

Luthier said:
Hi everyone.

Here’s what we’ve been doing, and what we’re planning for the nearest future.

The main areas of development are:

1. Graphics. Our graphics team is in the middle of a dramatic revision of our graphics engine. The new engine, still in alpha stage, is both faster and better looking. I won’t get into the technical details, but in a word it’s faster and more streamlined.
From the appearance point of view, the change is equally as dramatic but is easier seen. Colors are calculated differently, especially in terms of distance. I’m attaching some screenshots showing before and after. The colors are not yet tuned, and there are some other issues but we are much happier with the game’s visuals today than we’ve been for quite some time.

2. Sound. As I’ve mentioned earlier, we’re completely redoing our sound engine from scratch. The work is being done in three stages. Stage 1, alpha, where we test basic functionality with some bare-bones samples has been passed a while ago. Stage 2, beta, where we have all aircraft sounds complete, and have some bare-minimum sounds for other objects, is almost here. Stage 3, a complete sound engine with all object and ambient sounds, will follow.
What we have now is brand new DB601, Merlin, Mercury, and Jumo 211 engines in a new environment, infinitely more stable and supporting realistic sounds from dozens or hundreds of engines within hearing distance. Various secondary and tertiary sounds are also there – G loads, flutter, controls movement, etc. The aircraft feel alive, especially when you’re inside the cockpit.

3. Physics. We are doing a major rewrite of some portions of aircraft landing gear physics (i.e. landing, taxi, take-off) as well as major changes to our secondary physics (ships, vehicles, debris, etc).

4. Models. We have quite a few new aircraft variants in the oven, and our ground modeling team has finally finished a major task that perhaps too few people will appreciate. We’ve completed a huge library of historical German rail engines and cars.

Timeline wise, what we’re looking at is a beta sound patch in a minimum of 2 weeks, and at least a week of tests for that. The new graphics will also be included with it. The same upcoming patch will also include some new aircraft and most likely the German trains. Due to all new sounds, it’ll be one of the largest patches so far, but still way under a GB.

Thank you all for your support!
Make sure it shows version 1.02.14821 or later on the menu screen else it'll be the utter mess that we got at launch.
What is the file size? My downloads max at around 125kb/sec where I am at the moment, so get the feeling I wont bother til I get a disc version.

Are you downloading via steam?

Guys, how the mp community with CoD now? and how is the mp performance? Is it in hyperlobby yet?

Small at the moment, there's a bug with the sound and a few other issues that will hopefully get fixed soon, not on hyperlobby yet as the game has built in support for server browsing and lobbies.
sorry, not impressed, hopefully yet another patch will improve it, shocking state to release a game in though.

No need to be sorry, it was in an even worse state at release, there are a lot of good things in there but the overall package needs serious work, everybody knows it including the devs, you've only got to look at what they're working on to see that they are serious about fixing it. I just hope they get the opportunity to do so.
It's worth £14 just to mess around with in my opinion, you'd pay that much for an aircraft (singular) as an addon for FSX, it is very playable as long as you can cope with the bugs so it'll come down to your mindset really. Just bear in mind they are working on it so it's not like it'll stay as is, in fact the beta patch should hopefully hit this weekend and is planned to include new sound and gfx engine.
Sounding great to me :D

Pity I'm away for the weekend :(

Luthier said:
Hi everyone,

Sorry for making you wait for an update. Here it is!

We’ve been working very hard on multiple aspects of the game. We are pushing with all our might to have the beta version of the upcoming patch ready… Well, sooner than you might think! If nothing goes wrong, it might even be out this very Friday.

As stated earlier, it’ll contain a beta version of the completely new sound (fewer individual engine models, sparse ambience), revamped color processing algorithms, transparent shorelines, and numerous fixes and improvements. It’ll also contain the Bf-109E-4 and E-4/B and at least one new mid-size online map.

Following that, we have other things in the works. We are finally ready to start knocking out SDKs, with the map making SDK being the first one you’ll see – quite soon, too! We’ll release more details on that, and on the plane-making SDK, after the upcoming beta patch is fully tested and goes live.

We also have a rather cool new major feature almost ready. It’s not going to make this patch. In order to keep the competitors squirming, we won’t say what it is until we’re ready to release it.

With that, here’s a short video showcasing the new WIP sound. It’s recorded on a deprecated version of the patch, after which we’ve toned down the ocean colors and filled in the sounds. The biggest omission is the turbine whine of the Daimler-Benz. Don’t worry, you’ll hear it in the actual patch.

(I didn’t want to make an update without the video, and by the time I finally captured and spliced it together, the game version advanced way ahead. And by the time I make a new video of the sound as it is today, you’ll all be playing it yourselves!)

New sounds are so much better :D

Luthier said:
It's here! Here's the readme:

* RUSSIAN README: ????????, ?? ???????? ?????????!
* ENGLISH README: This readme is only partial;
* SOUND: Still working on the content for the new engine, but many of the features are already present in this build;
* MAPS: No new missions are provided for these in the beta version of the patch.

* Drastically reworked graphic algorithms dealing with in-game color;
* Rewrote the sound engine from scratch;
* Added three new multiplayer maps: Steppe (medium), Fields (small), and Scimitar (small);
* Updated multiplayer GUI to allow users to easily select a position in an existing plane.
* Added two new aircraft - Bf. 109 E-4 and Bf. 109 E-4/B. These two are equipped with MG/FF-M cannons and so make use of the famous Minegeschoss.

* Reworked routines for gyro bombsights;
* Removed allusion to Engine 4 from He 111 model;
* Improved memory consumption for multi-crew aircraft;
* Airborne status is now checked correctly even if the aircraft in question departed prematurely;
* Landing status should be applied correctly when ditching in water;

* Reworked bombardier cockpits in aircraft so affected (He. 111 and Ju. 8 to accomodate new Lotfe gyro routines;
* Small caliber bullet hits on the ground now show difference in material being hit;
* Modifications in Blenheim's damage visuals;
* Added a range of visual SFX for higher-caliber guns;
* New bombsight visuals in Blenheim bombardier's cabin;
* Returned the famous Il-2 stall sound effect;
* Doubled the distance at which the tracers can be seen.

* Increased Lotfe bombsight gyro operational limit to 15 degrees of aircraft roll / pitch;
* Lotfe type bomb sight now stabilizes aiming platform to horizontal plane;
* Removed sudden jump in view angle when viewing through Lotfe ocular and moving bomb sight elevation for the first time in the flight;
* Increased side slip input limit to +/* 30 degrees for the Lotfe bomb sight;
* Made Kurssteuerung mode 2 for level bombers. This mode will also stabilize the aircraft in level flight;
* Reworked motor startup routines to accomodate new options available in the new sound engine;
* Adjusted ricochet angles on firm surfaces;
* Redesigned bomb sight in Blenheim and made it easier and more realistic to use;
* Blenheim bomb sight plane is now adjustable to reflect changes in plane AoA in level flight. Correction is applied automatically over a period of sustained flight and can compensate up to 3 degree changes in plane attitude;
* Fixed issue where overstress would inflict damage to airframe regardless of the Vulnerability difficulty setting.

* Changes to bombs' detonators setup will now be carried over once applied without the need to rejoin the server;
* Increased Lotfe bombsight gyro operational limit to 15 degrees of roll / pitch. This will give more tolerance to aircraft maneuvers as strict limits put too much obstacle to communication between bombardier and pilot while playing on-line;
* When flying as a bombardier, you should now use "Aircraft - Drop Ordnance (Bombs)" key (instead of "General - Fire Current Weapon" key) to drop bombs. This will remove confusion of on-line bombardier players who could not drop bombs using the key we're accustomed to.

* Decreased bombsight altitude indents by ten times. This will give you more control of the altitude input and make bomb sight aiming more precise;
* You can now switch off the boost cut-out control in Spitfires.

Download links - ENGLISH
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