Cool, I'm in Marlins.
Also I can't believe that, according to this thread, a joystick is optional but a TrackIR is next to essential![]()
Well actually the planes do react quite well to keyboard inputs if you know what your doing, or at least in IL2 1946 they do, like i say back in the day when it was first out i played with the keyboard which was fine in the SP aspect, but got my arse handed to me in MP and thats when i got my first joystick to enjoy it.
Looks good... does this play similar to Wings of Prey?
Coulden't see any damage effects other than fire and explosions etc... do wings fall off and holes appear in the craft? What about cockpit damage?
I use a Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Joystick - 12 button for Wings of Prey... it's awesome and doesn't break the bank!!!
*shrug* I managed just fine with the Hat switch, as did countless others long before TrackIR was invented, and long after TrackIR was invented and was in use by many, and so many still do to this day. :shrug:![]()
But still less important than having a joystick.
If some has only enough for a Joystick OR a TrackIR - which are you going to tell them to get to make the game more enjoyable?
However, that is not to say that I'd recommend TrackIR over a stick for a new pilot
Then why are we continuing this dicussion?
My TrackIR 3 Pro still does the job. I'm going to get a 5 soon though as the 3 doesn't cope with being sat further back very well (which I do in race sims) and I have to balance it on my monitor because the clip doesn't hold well![]()
31st March - Currently.