IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

X52 would be very suitable, pedal not needed if you get something with a twist stick for rudder control but they'll add to the experience. I would however urge anybody interested to get a trackir or free alternative system.
I'm not currently, used to fly with 81 Squadron before it disbanded, moved onto EAF but had some issues with my eyes that caused me difficulty flying but that's all sorted now so once ILCoD is here I'll be looking for a new home :)
Well actually the planes do react quite well to keyboard inputs if you know what your doing, or at least in IL2 1946 they do, like i say back in the day when it was first out i played with the keyboard which was fine in the SP aspect, but got my arse handed to me in MP and thats when i got my first joystick to enjoy it.

There is at least one long time IL2 player I know of who has been very competitive online while using nothing but the keyboard for control.
Well, they are both less important than situation awareness and TrackIR gives you far greater SA than a joystick so in that context then yes, TrackIR is more important.

However, that is not to say that I'd recommend TrackIR over a stick for a new pilot :)
Looks good... does this play similar to Wings of Prey?

In what aspect do you mean?

Coulden't see any damage effects other than fire and explosions etc... do wings fall off and holes appear in the craft? What about cockpit damage?

Lots of damage in far far greater detail that Wings of Prey, look through this thread for older development update images:

I use a Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Joystick - 12 button for Wings of Prey... it's awesome and doesn't break the bank!!!

I'd recommend something that has a throttle seperate to the stick personally.
*shrug* I managed just fine with the Hat switch, as did countless others long before TrackIR was invented, and long after TrackIR was invented and was in use by many, and so many still do to this day. :shrug: :p

Yes, but the added SA gained with TIR is an advantage, it's easy to lose orientation using a hat switch even with cockpit on whereas with TIR you get additional feedback from your head position.
X52 Pro is a HOTAS, you have the stick in one hand, throttle in the other.

TrackIR5 is higher resolution that the 4 and has a wider field of view if I remember correctly, though I think the general consensus is that version 4 is more than good enough.
My TrackIR 3 Pro still does the job. I'm going to get a 5 soon though as the 3 doesn't cope with being sat further back very well (which I do in race sims) and I have to balance it on my monitor because the clip doesn't hold well :p

My TrackIR 2 was all good for basic tracking, I just wanted 6dof and something that didn't throw a strop everytime I closed it down under W7 X64 :D
I fond it most enlightening that it's the so called die hard fans who are most upset about it using steam and at the same time they are the ones moaning about being able to resell a £35 game that they've been waiting for since 2005...
Only issue I have with my X52Pro is the 'Safe' light sometimes turns off instead of red when I flick the cover up.
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