IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

It was stated sometime back that dedicated server software would be available upon release, hopefully this will not have changed in the meatime.
Got the collectors edition pre-ordered with Ubi, their forum manager has said it's been delayed a week until April the 1st however lots of other sites are showing dates mid April. Ubi still shows the 25th of this month.
One man show = 22 people, and just because it's a small team does not mean that it will be lacking in quality, just bear in mind that they have limited resources for bug fixing which will take time and have distinct priorities assigned.
I've never played a flight game before but will definitely be getting this, 128 multiplayer is too good to pass up!

Can anyone recommend a basic flight stick for me to buy? I haven't got a clue where to start looking. Not looking to spend too much, just a basic one that will allow me to compete at a basic level and not get my ass kicked by pros.

You'll get your backside kicked by the pros regardless of equipment ;)
I forsee lots of dissapointment when people realise that 128 player servers will likely be a rarity and that even on those it'll be 128 players spread out across a vast area...
Yes. I believe it's the only boxed version available in the UK. Other than that download only it seems.

I prefer boxed versions. The manuals give me something to read on the khazi.

No, the UK has the Collectors edition, the normal edition and the download edition available, you just need to search UBI's utterly rubbish webshop a bit harder.
Surely the collectors edition is WIN?

Agreed, I just hope it arrives before unlock date!!!

Same here, loving 1946 at the moment. I've just ordered Trackir5 in anticipation :D

The hardest thing in this sort of game is keeping your eye on the enemy. Spacial awareness is critical, and Its just too hard using the hat on my joystick to flick through cockpit views IMO. I can use Trackir for my race sims as well which is a bonus.

You will love the track ir, it cranks up the immersion levels by a huge margin :)
My apologies Dano!

You're absolutely right!

Just checked Ubi's online shop and the normal version is available for £34.99. Bugger!

It was the Q&A on the forums that I read the CE was the only boxed version available in the UK:


In the UK the CE is the only boxed version available to buy.

No need to apologise, it's not your fault we've had conflicting information and that UBI's webshop is utter rubbish :)
I've had a Saitek X36 and X52Pro, never had any slop issues with either of them. The only issue I have with the X52Pro is the odd response curve but that can be modded and bearing in mind that it uses HAL sensors there should be no slop at all in control response even if there is a little play in the physical stick where the springs cross over.
Steam tastes funny, jeez what a pathetic reason...

Oleg needs some sort of change and it would not suprise me in the least if all constant whining of forum members has made him rethink his position, I know I'd be tempted to throw it all in after receiving all the pathetic crap from all these retards who think they're owed something.
Just been confirmed by the UK forum manager that Steam is NOT required if all you want to do is play single player, should pacify a few of the haters :)
Nope, it wont according to the UBI forum manager, quite what that means for retail and steam version interaction I don't know, can a game utilise steamworks without being registered in steam?
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