Yeah, in that video he specifically wanted to show what to do if you get into a situation where you dive, kill and get get a guy with higher energy on your six. I thought the way he dealt with situation was really expertly
Like I said- he has a whole bunch of videos - training or just flying and getting kill after kill after kill.
And flying by the book is not necessarily the way of great pilots. For example, see what true old master 154_Fritz did at this years' IL2:1946 championship
( At 0:58 - he is doing reall cool pre match warming up

), at 2:33 is the match itself
He specifically lets opponent to go for higher altitude/energy, and yet he is the one who completely dominates - 3 passes- kill, 3 passes- kill, 3 passes -kill ...
My absolute favourite IL2 match - also with 154_Fritz: The semi-final match (it has two halves, each half is "first to 2 victories more than opponent", opponents fly identical planes chosen by one of them in the first half and by the other in the second.)
The match starts at 0:28, second half of the match starts at 21:36.
Once again, very unorthodox, very unpredictable moves by Fritz. As they say "rules are for fools and guidance of others"

Squad leaders are right to rip a new one for beginners "breaking the rules of the book", but what would they say to Fritz?

(Probably something like: "I've no Idea what you're doing mate, but its amazing" haha
Anyway! Waiting for the patch for Il2:CLod, it cant be far, surely!