IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

You certainly don't want the Red Baron, Voss, Guinemere on your team as they all sacrificed their own wingmen, often using them as lambs to the slaughter, in order to get the high number of kills you revere them for, and to save their own skins. :p

Nothing like football. The aim of the game of football isn't to kill the opposition :p
Anyone know any where that's doing a good deal on this just now?


Cheapest place I can find at the moment is the ubi shop collectors edition, otherwise just wait for a sale.

Have to say it is a breath of fresh air to be able to discuss this in here without it devolving into a slagging match like it does elsewhere :D
Im quite ashamed to say ive only played around an hour of this, and that was the day it was released, put me off for a while, but seeing you guys talking about it and actually playing it, i may dust off the old x52pro and go for a spin this week sometime.
Haha, just watched recent IL2:CLoD Championship and I take my words about Mr.X being the "best" (hey, come on, I only meant that he was ONE of the best;)) back- but he's not even one of the best. He lost VERY convincingly in the quarter final (0-2 on E4, 0-2 on Spit1) to a guy that in turn lost VERY convincingly in semis to Apolo...

In a proper duel Mr.X (unlike the great 154_Fritz) turned out to be a one trick pony. If he did not have energy advantage (even if equal) he looked very unsure on waht to do...

( - if anybody cares. In the post match interview, Mr.X said that is too used to fly on "projects" which was very different to duels - wink, wink Dj_Jestar:))
My goal, in any flight sim, is to always bring the plane back in one piece. Anything on top of that is a bonus. :D

Simply to survive is easy - climb to some stratospheric height and fly circles above everybody else. Then return to base and land.

The tricky bit is to fight, to pose danger, help comrades, kill enemies... AND survive:)
If you are looking IL2 COD cheap keep and eye on get games go , I got it there for £8

Can anyone recommend where to get some cool IL2 COD missions ?

Thanks Borsch, got it delivered today!!

Impressive collectors edition!

Played with it for half an hour or so, and found out my Saitek FLY 5 is totally inadequate, just hope my firend makes up his mind about his X52 soon!!

Runs fine on my PC, i5 2500k @ 4.2, ATI 6950 2gig and 8gig of ram!! Had it all at the highest settings and hand no stuttering etc!!

Need some serious practice before I get back online though!!
Glad to hear you are happy with it!

Is Saitek FLY5 a facelift version of their older Cyborg? If yes, then it should be adequate.

I'd say to truly start enjoying modern flying games one must invest into some sort of tracking device. TrackIR is the most famous but is also quite expensive. But nowadays there are a couple more options like free FaceTrackNoIR and Freetrack - any one of them will boost the flight sensation and its enjoyment tenfold imo. You turn you real head one or two degrees and tracking device turns your virtual head in the cockpit by by several dozen degrees.

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