IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

I have not tested the patch apart from flying the su26 for a couple of minutes...

Mirrors for the patch:


Please download the file and extract the archives to your steam game directory, which is usually
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover

Patch Notes:

- Fixed the plane label bug, where the label would hide behind the clouds;
- Corrected brightness for various light sources;
- Fixed the black front line issue;
- Corrected incorrectly aligned water explosion effects;
- Various other minor fixes and improvements.

- Corrected the bug when attempting to connect to a password-protected server after previously entering an incorrect password;
- Corrected the issue that sometimes disabled the country selection controls when connecting to a server;
- Corrected issues with some plane sounds online;
- Exorcised ghost planes;
- Corrected the behavior of “jumping” cars and some other vehicles;
- Fixed the issue where GamePlay.gpAirports() could return incorrect data.

New Features
Servers can now work with user-made map labels in their scripts.
When a user creates a new map label, server receives the following event
OnUserCreateUserLabel(GPUserLabel ul)
Or, when a label is deleted,
OnUserDeleteUserLabel(GPUserLabel ul)
GPUserLabel – label type, where Point2d pos ;
Player Player ;
string Text ;
double time ;
int type;

Available Label Types :

You can also create your own label with
GamePlay.gpMakeUserLabel(p, GamePlay.gpPlayer(), actor.Name(), GamePlay.gpTimeofDay(), (int)GPUserIconType.Plane)
The server can send a label to the players with:
gpDrawUserLabel(world.GPUserLabel ul); // all players on the server
gpDrawUserLabel(int army, world.GPUserLabel ul); all players in int army
gpDrawUserLabel(Player[] to, world.GPUserLabel ul); only the players in the Player[] to list
The labels can also be deleted correspondingly:
gpDeleteUserLabel(world.GPUserLabel ul);
gpDeleteUserLabel(Player[] to, world.GPUserLabel ul);
gpDeleteUserLabel(int army, world.GPUserLabel ul);

Conducted a huge amount of work correcting and improving aircraft flight models as well as most engine models. All work was based on historical flight test data or flight manuals (Sean, what would we do without you!). Unfortunately our flight model does not allow us to perfectly replicate test results at all ranges of altitude. At altitudes above 8000 m (26,000 ft) most aircraft begin to perform worse than their historical counterparts. Addressing this discrepancy requires a large additional amount of work, and will therefore be done in a future release.
Changes in this patch include:

- Various minor changes and corrections to all aircraft.

- Added Hurricane MkI and Spitfire MkI with constant-speed propellers and 100-octane fuel.

- Corrected the Merlin engine model.

- Added pitot heat controls to Spitfires.

- G.50
Fixed engine heat balance that had previously prevented listed HP from being available at all altitudes.
Added +100 boost that can only be used in emergency mode.

- BR-20
Decreased never-exceed airspeed.

- Spitfire Mk.IIa
Corrected (decreased) airspeeds at all altitudes to bring performance down to historical levels.

- Spitfire Mk.Ia
Corrected (increased) airspeeds at altitudes above 6K m.

- Hurricane Mk.Ia
Corrected (decreased) airspeeds at all altitudes alongside Spit II.

- Blenheim Mk.IV
Corrected the engine model.
Corrected altitude performance.
Decreased never-exceed airspeed.
Corrected engine modes at all altitudes (RPM, boost, fuel flow, etc).
Implemented smooth flap control.
Changed the airscrew to two-speed.
Corrected empennage values that created too much interference during take-off.
Affixed springs to bomb bay doors.

- He-111 и Ju-88
Corrected radio compass animations.

- Bf-109
Corrected cockpit animations for trimmer and flap chains.
Corrected flap model
Corrected the flap sounds
Corrected the pitot heat light.

Other flight model and engine changes.
- Corrected negative G cut-out for carburetor engines. The effect will be noticeable at around +0.1G.
- Corrected the mixture control level on Hurricanes and Spitfires. It is now push forward for Lean, pull back for Rich. With that, moving the throttle lever to idle will return the lever to Rich.
- Corrected (increased) low-altitude speeds for most Brutish fighters (Spitfire MkI with DH and Rotol aircrews, Hurricane MkI with DH and Rotol aircrews).
- Corrected Bf-109 rudder behavior.
- Corrected fuel flow calculations for most aircraft.
- Corrected (increased) radiator drag when it is opened.
- Corrected throttle control. The entire range is now useful.
- Corrected overspeed sound. It will now steadily increase in volume depending on airspeed.

- Added a Su-26 acrobatics plane.
You can toggle airshow smoke by injecting oil into the exhaust manifold. This is done with the WEP button by default. The default smoke is white. You can select other colors by selecting corresponding loadout options.

The plane also comes with four easter egg weapons that can be loaded onto the center pylon:

- Shotgun – fires explosive pellets with everyone’ sfavorite green tracers;
- Laser – fires a beam that sets an enemy plane alight. Effective distance is 700m;
- Antimatter mortar – fires anti-matter spitwads;
- Railgun – fires a shell that generates electromagnetic pulse that in turn destroys enemy subsystems, especially engines.

NOTE: Our artificial intelligence simply could not manage the pure awesomeness of this plane. If you try to create doom flights of railgun-armed Su-26s the AI will most likely just crash.
The Su-26 is a special type of a recon plane in the game, so other AI aircraft will mostly ignore it in missions.
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Online works really well now - yesterday there were about 100 people at once on ATAG with no lags.

Performance, if you can run RoF and DCS maxed out, CLoD works and looks quite nice as well.

Offline, I 'm going to download some free CLOD campaigns, missions and skins from, and have some quality time with it.

Salut! :)

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I waited a looooooong time to get this, looked far too buggy on release.

It has been £30 on Steam for ages, not sure when the change in price happened but it's now £10.

So together with the price & patch I picked it up.

Very impressed so far (1hr in). Certainly is a "proper" sim!
whats the fidelity like on this? Can you fly without icons and big red arrows pointing you towards the enemy?

That's how most people fly - no icons or helpers. It makes the game incredibly tense and as you are always afraid that somebody is sneaking up on ya, diving on you from the sun, hiding in your blindspot etc.

Icons can be turned on for "easy/stress free mode".
THought I'd put the message at beginning of this page as well: STEAM PATCH IS OUT! :)

Online works really well now - yesterday there were about 100 people at once on ATAG with no lags.

Performance, if you can run RoF and DCS maxed out, CLoD works and looks quite nice as well.

Offline, I 'm going to download some free CLOD campaigns, missions and skins from, and have some quality time with it.

Salut! :)

If the image is larger than 1280 pixels wide then please resize, put in spoiler tags or link only. Oh and no hotlinking. Thank you.
Has anyone been able to get the steam version to work with windows 8 ?
I have done a bit of research and it appears COD isn't compatible with windows 8 yet.
I have tried the usual, run as administrator, run in windows 7 compatibility mode and I cannot get it to load.
Well, reinstalled and I'm getting 'Launcher encountered a problem and must close' when loading reaches 100% on a mission. Seems like it's a common problem with a million and one maybe fixes, oh well.
Has anyone been able to get the steam version to work with windows 8 ?

Yep, devs said that it's incompatible with win8, sorry.

Well, reinstalled and I'm getting 'Launcher encountered a problem and must close' when loading reaches 100% on a mission. Seems like it's a common problem with a million and one maybe fixes, oh well.

Try deleting contents of "cache" folder in My documents/Il2:CLod/
Try using "Verify integrity of game cache" in steam.
Launcher.exe WAS a big problem, but not any more - this is now stable enough that there is international IL2:CLoD championship in progress right now.
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