IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Yep, devs said that it's incompatible with win8, sorry.

Try deleting contents of "cache" folder in My documents/Il2:CLod/
Try using "Verify integrity of game cache" in steam.
Launcher.exe WAS a big problem, but not any more - this is now stable enough that there is international IL2:CLoD championship in progress right now.

Yep tried both of those. Steam should have updated to the latest patch automatically right? Seems strange how I can access all the menus etc perfectly fine.
Try deleting conf.ini (in both game folder and My documents/Il2:Clod/) then disable "cloud sync" in steam, then launch the game.

Try removing the entire Il2:Clod folder from My documents.
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Post here if you find a solution. But really, providing you're not on WinXP or something and your PC is above average, CLoD should be working fine.
Has anyone been able to get the steam version to work with windows 8 ?
I have done a bit of research and it appears COD isn't compatible with windows 8 yet.
I have tried the usual, run as administrator, run in windows 7 compatibility mode and I cannot get it to load.

Same here.

Just does nothing.

Surely a fix is imminent?
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I could not agree more, it disgusts me the way they have handled the game since release, I was once a great supporter of 1c Maddox Games, no more I can safely say.
Post here if you find a solution. But really, providing you're not on WinXP or something and your PC is above average, CLoD should be working fine.

Complete reinstall sorted it. As for performance, wow when I played this at release I was getting about 10fps with literally everything lowest settings, now with everything at medium it's smooth as anything! I didn't have time to tweak at all so this is very promising indeed (especially for my ancient system).
I could not agree more, it disgusts me the way they have handled the game since release, I was once a great supporter of 1c Maddox Games, no more I can safely say.

Maybe they were concentrating on the su's awesome anti-matter cannons instead ?
Nope, they are done with it. End of.

As I understand it, CLoD content will be part of the next IL2 instalment and will benefit from all improvements that the sequel will bring. It has always been this way since Il2: Forgotten Battles and Ilya himself said that this will continue.
As I understand it, CLoD content will be part of the next IL2 instalment and will benefit from all improvements that the sequel will bring. It has always been this way since Il2: Forgotten Battles and Ilya himself said that this will continue.

Yes, as I said, they are done with CoD, and they have said a great many things over the last few years, many of which have flat out failed to happen.
If CLoD content is promised to be improved, then we cant say that "they are done with ClOD" ;)

Believing them or not is a different subjective matter...
If CLoD content is promised to be improved, then we cant say that "they are done with ClOD" ;)

Source? They have stated that CoD is done, no more content, no more fixes. Are you reading an entirely different 1C forum to everybody else? No, you're playing with words because CoD content will be available in an as of yet, unannounced paid for sequel that may take (given 1c's record of working on a sim of this complexity) several years to release.

Believing them or not is a different subjective matter...

Oh? You have the SDK do you, please let the rest of us have it...
I remember reading a preview about this game in a circa 2007 issue of pc gamer, the screenshots were incredible and I thought the game wouldn't be far off release.

Cue the waiting, watching youtube videos to get myself more excited...then nothing. Not a word about the release. So I stopped watching videos and almost forgot about the game.

Then when the game came out, I bought it but it was unplayable. Even the menu's were unresponsive and slow and my pc came to a grinding halt when I made the false move of loading a london fight scenario.

Then I got a 6870 graphics this time patches had come out that drastically improved performance. I enjoyed playing the game for a while. So I went to investigate the multiplayer which is my main reason for playing flight games in the first place.

Not many populated servers, the one server that seemed popular was the ATAG english channel server. I hopped in, utterly confused by the navigation side of things to begin with.

I then "got" it and hopping over the french/british continent then became a breeze. But the multiplayer just didn't have the appeal of il2 1946 for me, I wanted a variety of engagements, variety of user made scenarios and so on.

So cod just didn't ever quite get there in my estimation of how great it should have been, pouring over that preview in pc gamer I was elated at the thought of a realistic ww2 sim with excellent graphics with amazing fidelity. But I never got that buzz from it.
Source? They have stated that CoD is done, no more content, no more fixes. Are you reading an entirely different 1C forum to everybody else? No, you're playing with words because CoD content will be available in an as of yet, unannounced paid for sequel that may take (given 1c's record of working on a sim of this complexity) several years to release.

Oh? You have the SDK do you, please let the rest of us have it...

Hey I did put a wink in my previous post, so dont take it TOO hard :) But yeah:
The general plan is, after the milestone is submitted and accepted, we return to the now almost-final patch, cram as much as we can into it, and make it our final Cliffs of Dover patch. The next time it will be updated is when you install the sequel over it.

AS for SDK :"
4) What’s the status of the Su-26 and the SDKs?
We will most likely include the Su-26 in the final patch for free. The SDKs, we really want to release at least the map-making SDK to the public “as is”, which is why they’re not covered by the next patch v. sequels discussion. However simply packing up the source code into a package that can be released to the public is a somewhat lengthy task that can only be done by our lead programmer. Once he’s done putting out the fires, and once the patch is out the door, we’ll find a way to squeeze that into his schedule.

So we shall see. I'd love an Afrika map for clod myself, only SDK can provide it...
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... I wanted a variety of engagements, variety of user made scenarios and so on.

Emphasis on "user made" ;)

I hope that now that the final patch is out, the missions/campaigns/scenarios makers will be incentivised to create stuff, previously everybody was "Waiting for the patch", for "hey it may change things, so I'd rather not waste my time until it comes". The patch is out at last :)

SDK would be great, but it's months away at least.

But overall, just like Il2, CLoD is a platform- soulless, boring, cold. Users made all the difference to Il2 with their content that put the boring and soulless into alive and thriving. Will the same happen here? AS a platform CLod is tremendously rich, eg it has more models of fences than RoF has models of everything, it has scripts that can create situations and missions that were impossible in IL2, etc...

Next couple of months will tell. I hope that it will thrive and that WW2 aviators will not be forced into a choice between Il2:1946 and War Thunder.
That is terrible service, end of.

They have obviously known about Windows 8 as we all have from the previews for a LONG time and to just ignore it and pretend it does not matter is a disgrace.

I don't mean to sound too much like a devils advocate but when you bought the game did it state it supported Windows 8?

If not then it is Microsoft you should be complaining to for not making their OS's backwards compatible but since when have they done that? :rolleyes:

Anyway who the hell buys even numbered windows releases? Crazy...
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