Black shark 2 - The quest for more money
Such a shame cliffs of dover doesn't work with windows 8
I really hope somebody sorts it out.
Regardless of what any fanboy says, it is a disgrace that a modern game is not being updated to support Windows 8.
Hi everyone,
This is my first post on these forums so I'd like to say hi to everyone.
It's worth nothing that I don't play "IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover" (don't judge me, it's just not my type of game).
Anyway, my friend approached me with a issue at the end of last week regarding "Cliffs of Dover", that it was not playable under Windows® 8 so I said to him I'd have a look at it for him (I finally got around to it yesterday evening).
Good news, I have managed to get it working under Windows® 8.
When I say working I mean to the point where the game says "Steam must be running to play Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover.", this is a lot better than crashing silently to the Desktop (since I don't actually own the game I will not proceed beyond this point).
I'm just waiting on my friend to get home this evening (GMT+2) to test that the game does in fact run correctly, after he confirms this I'll release the tool to the masses.
Watch this space, hopefully you'll be back up in the sky in a few short hours.
MD5: C629779081C61029EBE562F4A329FCC8
MD5: 4AE9679F235DDDEA269656C3DCABEB1B (attached .zip)
For more information regarding this fix please read the enclosed readme ("CloDer_Readme.txt").
Who cares abnout Graphics Card!?!! Rise of Flight and IL2 have become ONE!!! 777 has taken over IL2!!!!!HOOOORAAAAY Comrades!!!![/SIZE]
It's official!
PS Sorry SlapI'd say 7970 purely because it has more Vram which is useful for flight sims, but 2gb 680 will be good too.
They can't do any worse then the Cliffs of Dover release IMO & rise of flight is an excellent game.
Get over yourself! I only asked a civil question which does not seem that far fetched considering that the model Rise of flight uses in that you buy extra planes with missions included could be a viable option for cliffs if they decided too go that way.No, it doesn't and why would they waste time updating someone else's product, cliffs is dead in the water, get over it. Battle of Stalingrad due 2014.
No problem, I just live in the hope that one day it will realize it's potential, guess my hopes are in the hands of the community/modders now.You've read that wrong, it wasn't meant to be a dig or offensive. Merely stating that cliffs is dead and you need to stop expecting it to get further work. My apologies if it read badly.
No way on earth will be buying Stalingrad in 2014 on release.