IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

Suprisingly I can play it on my C2D E6600 and 8800GTS 640Mb... It's not great but it does run lol, it's not crashed once and is fairly fluid over the channel.

Waiting on patches and feedback so I can decide on upgrade parts :)
This thing is going to be awesome once they sort the issues out and I have a decent system to run it on :eek:
Still no MP though which is a shame :(

Known bug in the retail version from what I read earlier, seems like the download version doesn't have that issue.

Chomping at the bit for a new pc now, just don't know what to get GFX card wise, wanted to see feedback on what worked best with this but all the issues are clouding any feedback. Though I've seen a few mentions of extreme VRAM usage so am leaning towards a 2GB card now.
This is a translated page from, so we can expect a patch sometime this week hopefully.

[April 2 - Report on the work]

Removed from the main post of the old information about the daily progress. Work in progress, that's how things are.

1. Optimization of homes like the ready, it is necessary to test another day or two to make sure that does not add unexpected glitches. Houses have become so fast that the flight with full houses are now just a couple fpsov slower than the passage in general without homes.

2. Optimization of the forest is a little slower, but still looks optimistic. We'll add ustanovochku Variety of woods, which roughly speaking allows you to place various shrubs and trees from the landscape to plant some trees, what else would raise productivity. Otherwise, the LCS will be the order of magnitude faster due to some deterioration in the overall impression - long the trees will grow more slowly.

3. Optimization of the shadows - a separate problem from the houses (in test number 1 was measured without shadows). As it turned out, the problem is not in the code, as in the models, particularly in some cabins. Used to fine detail is very precise alpha, which hangs heavy on the brakes all the rest. Must provetsi inventory of all models, to identify all such places and to correct, and we have very strong growth FPSa everywhere, due to some loss in beautiful every fintiflyushek.

4. Support for SSI - do, as soon as the number 1 and number 3. As I have on my already written somewhere, it can be very rapid remonotom, and may require serious consultation with the manufacturers of the cards that will take much longer. I can not yet say for sure.

5. Mikrofriza over the landscape caused 99% of the trees. Work on number 3 of them will decide. Instant podzagruzki still remain in the game, as it is impossible to keep all the giant map in the memory of all time. It is necessary to dynamically load the required landscaping. This happens, in my opinion, once every 12 kilometers, and is smooth and size, so it will be very little noticeable.

6. Windows MP in the enclosure such as ready, even a protest for lice a day or two.

7. Cardinal Optimization graphics - rendering the selection of a single thread - a dramatic increase FPS roughly doubled. This work will take at least a month.

Thus, the plan is simple - to release next week is still small patches, which will include a number 1, 2, 6, and possibly number 3. Then, in the circumstances - is likely to support SLI will release along with the number 7 sometime before the end of April - early May.

And finally, I must apologize to you because I'm not very visible on the forums. This will continue until at least for the next mini-patch. Read I find the time and answer as it all comes out. Thank you for your support!
I'm just messing around with it currently, my system really cannot handle it doing much at all so I've just been trolling about the channel admiring how good the cliffs look as they fade in from the atmospheric murk and practicing some take off and landings.
Our great hope that the Friday version will allow everyone to run the game smoothly and finally begin complaining about FM and DM and AI and skins and missions and GUI and landscape and the clouds and the weather!

LMAO, only in the sim world :D
I've no idea how they manager to get up for work everyday considering the abuse they get on the forums, I guess it must be a case of laughing or crying :)

I've never had the opportunity to try a FFB stick so can't really comment, I'd quite like one of those Buttkicker Gamer units though, pity they're so expensive to get in the UK.
Must be a communication error surely though, it's not like other games don't work via steam multiplayer is it?
We shall see when a dynamic campaign comes along I guess, I love the way that CoD is very very dual screen friendly, I can happily move across to my secondary screen while it's doing anything but actually in game.

Have just been messing around with it and getting reasonable performance (ignoring the stutter) with my system even on nearly all medium settings now, can very much see a lot of potential here :)
I'm ashamed to say that I've had CEM turned off so far, just getting controls setup and such before tackling that monster.
Yeh, I always flew wull switch in IL2, just too busy trying to get the thing running at all on my system to be bothered with CEM (complex engine management) at the moment, as soon as we get rid of the main issues it'll be getting turned on :)
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