IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Anounnced with 128 player multiplayer

I just tried the desktop composition thing on my system with beta patch, much improvement!!!

Also, solidshield removed already :eek:
Just tried it with the latest patch - I find entirely no improvement on gameplay especially around land. Still pretty much unplayable from my perspective.

Did you do the desktop composition thing?

Well since release ive been tinkering with everything and just cant find a reliable setting.
sometimes all of the controls on my x52 work then the next time only some work, then half way through sound will go. then come back, can see only 1 server so far.
Im just not feeling the love like i did with the original il2:mad:

Anthropomorphic controls set to on?

well im deffo noticing less jagged edges, do you mean all levels of AA or just 8? Tried too servers and they have the engine management on which means i reck the plane lol, and sometimes the planes are parked in a hanger, how the hell do you reverse them?

AA has always worked for me, however I see little difference between x1 and x8 and there are certain aspects that get ignored by it, like the wires.
I cant even begin to list the problems with this game/sim....
If I could get a refund for digital download I would.

Might aswell just go back to wings of prey, atleast thats playable.

If you are in the UK you can get a refund, just be polite about it when you contact whoever you purchased it from.
You have tried assigning the axis' in controls yes?

Have to say, the more I play the more convinced I am by this sim, I still have some stutter and not stellar fps but then I'm on a minimum spec machine and I can happily fly circuits around Biggin Hill and have 6v6 dogfights over the channel, utterly loving the feel of it all.
finaly got the joystick working but can i control a thing? no lol anyone else have a problem that the planes always want to drift right? also how do u turn the plan without rolling? not impressed im afraid, wish i could get a refund.

What we have here is a basic misunderstanding of how aircraft work and the compexities of IL2 as a flight simulation. Page 62 and on of the manual will give you some basic instruction.
I still get fps issues on the ground, in fact I'm having a hard time taking off because of it. Also, I can't seem to set trim, it worked once, but now there seems to be no reaction. Also, I can't play atm because it's launcher.exe is crashing.


I've got it running quite well on my system now using kegetys mods and no desktop composition, certainly very playable in the main and more turned up than I tought would ever be possible given the age of my pc.
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You might not need to soon, from what I can gather SSEO is going to be a switch option in game soon which will help, not sure about the textures though.
It's the automatic CEM throwing the prop pitch to coarse too early from what I've been reading, started having the same issues myself, hopefully it'll get fixed soon.
Beta patch tomorrow :D

Luthier said:
Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days, I waited until our progress was a little more clear. We are up on here a lot, and your feedback and reports are extremely helpful. Thank you all for your support!

We are planning another patch for this coming Monday the 18th of February, with a beta version of the patch this Friday the 15th. The beta version will be the same as before, manually extractable to your game folder, then automatically overwritten by the release version of the patch.

Before I get more into the patch, I want to discuss the sfs – mod situation a bit. First of all, the data you’re accessing was never intended to be hidden from the user, but rather accessible as part of our larger plans for SDKs and user mods and expansions. It’s just we planned to open it up ourselves eventually, once the SDK was ready, but our enterprising fans found a way to do it earlier.

Most importantly, I need to mention something about Valve anti-cheat. Valve has their standard feature running on top of multiplayer, and we have some of our own additional checks. The way it works is not an automatic immediate server ban, but rather a data-gathering and review process resulting in eventual account ban from all multiplayer for the game.

So while many of you may enjoy playing around with game content, please do so offline. We do not yet have the user interface for switching between modified and stock files, nor do we have the server GUI to allow/disallow custom content so that makes things a little more difficult for the players. We’re probably going to ignore any infractions before today, but we’ll become more aggressive in the coming days. Please be warned. There will be a wide-scale account ban once we identify a large number of culprits. Everyone will be banned simultaneously, with no prior warning or chance for redemption. If you do not wish to be made an example of, please do not use ANY modified files in any online matches.

After all, cracking the game is against the EULA and theoretically we could ban everyone who has ever tried any mod, but that of course would serve no purpose. Once again, we do not mind you fiddling with your own game on your own machine, as long as you don’t use that ability to try to give yourself an unfair advantage online.

And now, the patch.

1. Further improvements to framerate in regards to the terrain engine. The improvement promises to be the most drastic yet, but since it’s currently split in half between two different machines we won’t have a more precise idea of the FPS gain until later today or early Friday.
2. SSAO is optional, a checkbox in Video Options.
3. Texture manager split into a separate core, which does wonders for performance on 4+ cores but offers no improvement on two cores.
4. Texture quality slider added to video options.
5. New Steam Lobby feature as an alternative to existing Server search.
6. Improvements to the Quick Mission Builder feature.
7. Large number of various changes in aircraft and cockpits

Future plans and roadmap:

1. SLI / Crossfire support (had to temporarily halt development due to ongoing work on FPS and texture manager)
2. Improvements to the campaign engine, including a rank and awards system.
3. Changes to multiplayer interface to better deal with the mods
4. More FM and DM tuning
5. Finally, documentation on dedicated server and campaign interface that should allow more meaningful 3rd party content!
Luthier said:
D'oh. Right, it's already April. Oh how I wish I could turn back time.
Luthier said:
No that's not true, sorry if I was unclear. We won't ban you for SSAO, but we will ban you for FM / DM modifications, transparent textures, etc.
Would you like some help in trying to sort it or would you prefer to continue attempting to get a holiday from the forums? (star out swearies fully...)
I have a lesser rig ([email protected], 4GB RAM, GTX280) and it plays at LOW environment settings and HIGH plane details over sea fine. London/AA fire slows everything right down. If on Win7 disable aero desktop for slight perfomance gain. Never had steam nor the game crash yet...

There's various threads on 1C forums querying graphic card VRAM usage. Also CPU, as some of the textures are suprisingly large, but multi-core's aren't fully utilised yet.

Patches will sort this - there's a 2nd one coming on Monday I believe.

Fixed ;)

The windows aero coupled with no SSAO from kegetys worked wonders for me.
Regarding the beta patch, does it work with the steam version and will steam auto update over it when the full release comes out or do you need to back up the game directory?

There is only one version and that is the steam version. If you read Luthiers post regarding the patch he tells you exactly what you asked, ie; yes it'll work and the official release will overwrite it, no you don't need to backup the game directory.
Just got my upgrade, i52500k, Asus P8P67Pro, 8GB Ram, 560Ti Twin FrozR 1GB, everything on maximum except SSAO is off and at my native resolution of 1680x1050 I'm getting an average of over 30fps (I was getting 22fps avg on low setting and very low res) on my little test track with hardly any stutter in sight, not attempted London yet though...

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