I'm going to build a space station

To Dazzy-G Resident Astroomgdidthatcomefromspaceoliogy specialist,

It has come to my attention that you have somehow gotten some of the Experimental Impenitrable Immovable substance 2.

How you came to aquire this I assume has somthing to do with the broken Lock to my quarters.

While I'm unhappy about the 2 broken Locks and the hull plating I've had to fix at least you returned my Darts and so I won't be pressing charges.

However I do have to remind you that the Hull is all that exists between you and the rapid decompression of space so please use a real dart board in future and when you're finished with the Impenitrable Immovable substance 2 could you please sterilise it I don't want any Astroomgdidthatcomefromspace particles tainting my work.

With Kind regards

Chief Hull Engineer
Capn' $qu!ff
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Apologies to anyone feeling extreme Nausea between 2pm and 2;30pm today, Wez, Marky and myself were experimenting with the /handbrake command on the ship and did end up doing afew donuts around a small moon. Apologis for any inconvenience caused, or breakfast regurgitated!

Navigator TimTim
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Well thats all well and good, but I should be above Nex20 as I'm commander!
Nex should be your subordinate. That will be fixed in organisational chart MKII.
I'll fetch the zombies and some bangin' choonz for the fight.
Good luck.

I'm just wondering how I'll fit into the Org Chart. I assume to the right and down a bit with some pretty colours next to me :)
Your position on the chart depends entirely on your job role. You have to pick a role first. As you can see there are still many positions to be filled. We look forward to your application and would like to inform you we currently have a 100% application success rate due to severe galactic discrimination legislation.

yours sincerely,

director of zombie attack survival and HR
Hey Guys, i found this while walking around the ship in poorly lit and sparcly populated areas...


I have determined that it comes from space.
I'll be keeping an eye on it in my Lab on G deck, the one right near the main ventilation shaft.

Will let you know how it gets on.

Astroomgdidthatcomefromspaceoliogy specialist
Director of inter-species breeding (Stay tuned for my pig the size of an elephant - epic bacon incoming)

I did some scans of the egg and got a weird result...


All the radiation from the scans i did seem to have disturbed the egg in someway and i have placed it in a firebox made from Impenitrable Immovable substance 2
just incase. i expect it to hatch some time this evening.

Further to my studies of the egg found in on the ship...



Thankfully i had some of the security team on standby just incase.

Please for the love of god people report any eggs you see! immediately!

That is all.
Astroomgdidthatcomefromspaceoliogy specialist
Wooo im right smack bang in the middle of the organization chart :D

Which reminds me, whoever keeps leaving 'suggestions' in the 'suggestions box' NO we will NOT be importing any 'alien' layydeee's, i mean why do you what do you REALLY want to do with a tenticle??

Yours -
Station layydeee pimp
Well, let's see. I'll either be at the top or you'll all be banned and your captain shot.

If I must have a role, I'll take Chief of Starfleet Operations.

Ah, I am only director of zombie survival attack and HR on-board. I dont know who you'd need to speak to in order to attain that position. Last I heard, they were using the selecting tree from Prince Barin's Kingdom in Mongo. Good luck!

I'd also like to point out that today's zombie alert was triggered unnecessarily and I dont want to name names but it was all Tibbsey's fault and he is now on a yellow card. Accrue 3 yellow cards and you go on engineering porter-loo duty!
I'd also like to point out that today's zombie alert was triggered unnecessarily and I dont want to name names but it was all Tibbsey's fault and he is now on a yellow card. Accrue 3 yellow cards and you go on engineering porter-loo duty!

I feel that my reaction and subsequent actions taken were appropriate at the time.

How was I to know that the figure I saw lurking in the shadows was not a zombie but none other than Detective Tefal.
I have since come to realise that he was not waiting to pounce upon me and eat my brains, but was in fact scouring the hallways for clues to discover who stole all of the muffins from the Earth Bar kitchens.

I am sincerely sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I tried to report the one in the adult studio facility on the east wing, but one of the actresses used it as a prop. On that note look out for Slyvia and Quchas Deep Probing in Space - Room Zap channel E2 or at the theatre in east wing from 3pm.

$loth - Porn Creator.
MEDIC!!! We must curb this accidentally outbreak before it takes over the ship :eek:

*emerges from the shadows and hypospray's skyfall*

Good day all, there is complimentary toast in forward observation deck...

*disappears back into shadows taking skfall's unconscious body with him*
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