I'm going to build a space station

Well as your recruiting new crew members, id like to apply for the posistion of 'Spaghetti Hoops & Flatulence Supervisor'. Ive absolutely no experience at this posistion and im quite incompetent at most tasks, however after monitoring the last 24 pages of communications, i feel id fit in nicely :)
I wish to join the crew of this wonderful space station - to show my interests I provide plans to upgrade our mighty station with a space elevator link to OCUK, so that we can have cheap delivery for when we need to upgrade the holodeck


I'll start on hull modifications once I've finished hammering out the dents in the hull I may need an extra Jacket & some extra sunglasses as It's rather cold on the shady side of the station & rather blinding on the sunny side!
Well as your recruiting new crew members, id like to apply for the posistion of 'Spaghetti Hoops & Flatulence Supervisor'. Ive absolutely no experience at this posistion and im quite incompetent at most tasks, however after monitoring the last 24 pages of communications, i feel id fit in nicely :)

You sound perfect for the job, the captain has been informed. :)

Is there no Head of Security? I place my self forward as that man. I have only a few demands that i request a hover board and atractive women security officers to restore order to this station. Now i may not be the best man for the job but am damn good at spotting a brech of security protocol when i see it!

If that posistion is filled then i would also gladly take OCUK space station DJ

EDIT: Head of Security is already taken :(
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Is there no Head of Security? I place my self forward as that man. I have only a few demands that i request a hover board and atractive women security officers to restore order to this station. Now i may not be the best man for the job but am damn good at spotting a brech of security protocol when i see it!

If that posistion is filled then i would also gladly take OCUK space station DJ

EDIT: Head of Security is already taken :(

I’m looking for a DJ to run the weekend discos so if you want the job just ask.

Commander Massage
I'll join too... as chief procrastinationg assistant manager to the head executive of box stacking please.... but if there aren't any vacancies, then I'll start up a primary school for all the children/uneducated fools/aliens on board.
This is your captain speaking:

I promise I'll go through this thread and assign all roles accordingly, sometime this week coming, along with processing a report on how we have been doing.

I have been very busy thus far in my own private quarters with the female crew members, I do humbly apologise.

See you in the bar later.

Captain iamdjdz.
Can I be the Janitor ? I'm really handy with a mop and i've played the whole space quest series.

If not can I be incharge of changing the magic tree air freshner, hanging in the **** pit ?
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