I'm going to build a space station

Just to report that I have added ^Tank^ to the crew - sorry for leaving you in suspended animation since March. If you feel like complaining I'm pretty sure that someone will listen.
So i was sat in my toilet as i do most days watching people come and go and finally someone wanted some spray for a lay and the cheeky sod didn't even tip me!

Other than that toilet 2 needs unblocking..think that might be a job for the toilet engineers...a big job at that.
Well It's been 2 years non-stop work with little to no sleep but I've Finally completed repairs to the entire hull interior and exterior also there are now rails next to the big drops so I'm going for a bottle of scotch and a well deserved nap please do not damage anything for the next week at least.

Capn' $qu!ff

Hull Plating engineer and station's composer
Reactor 3 is offline after the radiation shielding was damaged in an explosion involving Deck 4's Coffee Machine, an overzealous security officer, a suspected stowaway and a Goat which I suspect escaped from the R&D Labs.

I request a medical, security and clean up teams to deal with the suspected stowaway and Security officer who appear to be badly injured the Goats current whereabouts is unknown.
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