Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Bog job coming up.

A very expensive month, happy it is all up and running now, everything on and including the desk comes to a few pounds over £1500. Would like a oscilloscope and a decent ultrasonic cleaner but for now i can do without.

All fits in to the room, just. Need to place the pc on the desk and tidy the wires but i like how sits.
Nice and tidy electronics rework bench. Far too tidy. You should have all manner of components and bit of wire strewn across it. :)

What are you going to do with it?
It's a fresh build, a few jobs and it will be a bomb site. I will be mostly doing little projects to start with, jobs for friends etc. Basically dusting the cobwebs off, I would like to start taking it more seriously though and begin offering repairs etc.

I do have an ipad repair for a friend to do already and also a diy amp/headamp project i want to make a start on. From their it will be a case of what takes my fancy/comes along.
I would say an oscilloscope is an absolute must for a rework/repair electronics bench.

Just today I had to pull my old 80s oscilloscope out as I was experiencing some odd behaviour with my latest project. 20 seconds of analysis on my scope and I could see the problem so was able to fix it.
A very expensive month, happy it is all up and running now, everything on and including the desk comes to a few pounds over £1500. Would like a oscilloscope and a decent ultrasonic cleaner but for now i can do without.
All fits in to the room, just. Need to place the pc on the desk and tidy the wires but i like how sits.

Are you Bruce Banner?
I would say an oscilloscope is an absolute must for a rework/repair electronics bench.

Just today I had to pull my old 80s oscilloscope out as I was experiencing some odd behaviour with my latest project. 20 seconds of analysis on my scope and I could see the problem so was able to fix it.

I do have my eye on some, kind of holding out for a bargain used one, or at least a reasonably priced one.
I spent £60 on my first, a 40MHz from the mid 70s and £25 on my second, a 20 MHz early 80s which I needed to fix the first when some magic smoke escaped. ;)

For rework though maybe you'd need a digital. They tend to be a bit more and not generally fixable.

Even really old scopes can go for silly money, especially the Teks.
That looks posh, whatever happened to the big brown ball?

Ah yes -- I remember those big brown ball's - They were much easier to fix with cistern up on wall and chain to hang yourself- PITA taking the cistern off now.

Got slow flow and pulsing - If it's coming off I will put new in for 20 quid - don't want to take it off again.
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