Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

I love these Golf GTIs :) The wheels look sweet :D This is my dream - Affordable - Car :p

I just got a new VW Polo from work and the new car smell is soo good - I just bought a bottle of Autoglym Autofresh to keep the smell going :p

Shame Autofresh smells nothing like it. :p
IIRC the reason people like the "new car" smell so much is that it's basically just getting you high as it's the evaporation of the various solvents used in manufacture. You bunch of glue sniffers :p
But it doesn't have a smiley face? :p

If I were only cleaning carpets a cordless would be great but I use Henry to pick-up all sorts of rubble and rubbish.

We guessed that by state of him - he looks like a ***** - Hmm that's really an insult to vacuum cleaners isn't it - sorry Henry
Bought a new tail and indicators for my bike :)


Nice :). I want one of those. Looks you got a nice set up there.

Been after a one for awhile but pleased I held off as they now come with built-in Wifi. Not that what I have planned will make use of that really but it's there if needed I guess. Hoping to use it as a DAC but will see what happens. Not soldered in years so will see how that goes.
Been after a one for awhile but pleased I held off as they now come with built-in Wifi. Not that what I have planned will make use of that really but it's there if needed I guess. Hoping to use it as a DAC but will see what happens. Not soldered in years so will see how that goes.

Yeah I'm just getting into electronics myself so will be playing around with things like this in a bit. Have a few small projects up my sleeve that I quite want to do.
Not super interesting, but upon doing my Ryzen upgrade I found that I could't fit the outer fan on my Noctua NH-D15 due to the size of the memory (apparently Corsair think low profile means "standard profile but without and huge heat spreaders so it's lower innit") so grabbed a F12 to replace it.

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