Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

Since the EU regs on preservatives and all that, the sauce will go weird if not in the fridge. If you eat it fast enough, probably fine and its just colour that goes bad but not sure.

1 door open to retain cold air is probably a good idea
What he said. Once open keep refrigerated.

The eternal debate but either is ok. Growing up we never put ketchup in the fridge and it always tasted fine, it was only when someone finally read the label that it lost its home in the cupboard. Pretty sure it only says it for legal reasons rather than any practical benefit, you wouldn't see sauce on all cafe tables / burger bars being kept at room temperature otherwise.
As salt and vinegar have been reduced over the years, ketchup's preservative ingredients have been reduced, hence the regular reminders to keep it in the fridge. Personally, I'd rather get food poisoning than keep the ketchup in the cold.
New (used) camera + memory card and eyecup.

If I saw a doorbell with a camera attached like that, I'd simply knock on your door instead.
Strangely enough everyone ignored the last bell, but they are using this one! My wife has mobility problems so it's been very useful so far. Plus I 'answered the door' from 20 miles away last week. :p
What he said. Once open keep refrigerated.
to protect themselfs nothing more. it in no way needs to be stored in the fridge, same as most things are absolutely fine several days after there use by dates.
must be odd being so scared off everything.

cold sauces are just utterly wrong.
What are you on about? Or just trying to troll an argument?
you must be scared of food poisoning etc, must follow the label mantra, despite more than half the population not following the label and being fine.

Sauces like ketchup are extremely robust, due to sugar and vinegar content. they are natural preservatives. ignore the legal BS.
you must be scared of food poisoning etc, must follow the label mantra, despite more than half the population not following the label and being fine.
Way to make an assumption.. Did I say it was to stop it going off? Nope. In fact I'll often cook stuff past its prescribed "best" date as long as it doesn't smell off.

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