Images of items I have purchased (except trainers [no feet pics])

19 May 2005
PCs have never been about money saving, not sure what you are getting at Raymond. Its about keyboard and mouse being far superior, better visuals (although these beefed up consoles are not far off these days) and being able to mod games etc.

Consoles do have some hidden costs, like the pads lasting 5 minutes and they are not cheap to replace. I'll always have a PC as I couldnt play games like Skyrim or Fallout without my vast mods and also couldnt play fps games without a m&kb, but I just can't justify a gpu thats selling for twice what it should be due to crypto mining. I'd rather just get a PS4 for now and play some of the exclusives like The Last of Us.

I do also want a Switch just to play Zelda, but this is where console gaming gets even more expensive than PC gaming when you end up buying all the consoles lol.
14 Apr 2014
Sunny Sussex
I've invested wayyyy too much money in PC gaming. I've got a comfy keyboard/mouse, proper desk chair (human scale), and yet, I still cannot play with a mouse and keyboard. Much prefer sitting on a sofa with a controller in my hands.

As such, I've never understood the argument that KB/Mouse is better.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
PCs have never been about money saving, not sure what you are getting at Raymond. Its about keyboard and mouse being far superior, better visuals (although these beefed up consoles are not far off these days) and being able to mod games etc.

Consoles do have some hidden costs, like the pads lasting 5 minutes and they are not cheap to replace. I'll always have a PC as I couldnt play games like Skyrim or Fallout without my vast mods and also couldnt play fps games without a m&kb, but I just can't justify a gpu thats selling for twice what it should be due to crypto mining. I'd rather just get a PS4 for now and play some of the exclusives like The Last of Us.

I do also want a Switch just to play Zelda, but this is where console gaming gets even more expensive than PC gaming when you end up buying all the consoles lol.

Ive heard the price argument many times with PC games are generally £30 and the frequent steam sale being the main one. And the pc gamers would argue ovrr thr yesrs the £10 or £20 savings per game will add up. My argument for console is they lasts years, although not so much this gen as we have had a mid cycle refresh but a console tends to have a life cycle of 7 years whereas you'd struggle to play the latest release game on a 7 year old pc.

Anyway I digress as PC gamers are often push for the graphical edge but with the high price of Gfx these days you are really being punished for wanting that extra 10% when a PS4 pro or XB1X does very well for under £500.

I'm a mouse and keyboard shooter at heart, I really can't do FPS on pads so I just don't get this genre of games at all. It's the sacrifice I make for not having a PC.
12 May 2012
I've invested wayyyy too much money in PC gaming. I've got a comfy keyboard/mouse, proper desk chair (human scale), and yet, I still cannot play with a mouse and keyboard. Much prefer sitting on a sofa with a controller in my hands.

As such, I've never understood the argument that KB/Mouse is better.

It's each to their own. I know some refuse to go near M&KB, & likewise others (like myself) that would never dream of using controller on anything other than platformers. Still makes me shudder to see some using controller on Skyrim, Witcher etc ;)

M&KB can be waaaay more accurate than a controller (also probably why controller games have aim assist), like even just turning around can be done almost instantly on M&KB, not so on controller unless you change settings to very high sensitivity, but by doing that, you've lost any proper aiming & vice versa.

I recall M$ did a group test some years ago, with good players on M&KB & controller. Those using controller got slaughtered.

Anyhoe, I'm OT so off back to my little corner ;)
14 Apr 2014
Sunny Sussex
It's each to their own. I know some refuse to go near M&KB, & likewise others (like myself) that would never dream of using controller on anything other than platformers. Still makes me shudder to see some using controller on Skyrim, Witcher etc ;)

M&KB can be waaaay more accurate than a controller (also probably why controller games have aim assist), like even just turning around can be done almost instantly on M&KB, not so on controller unless you change settings to very high sensitivity, but by doing that, you've lost any proper aiming & vice versa.

I recall M$ did a group test some years ago, with good players on M&KB & controller. Those using controller got slaughtered.

Anyhoe, I'm OT so off back to my little corner ;)

But I don't play games to be the best at them. I play them to enjoy them. I can't enjoy them with RSI and back pain :/
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