Images of items I have purchased.

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That's good, but the quality of coffee from an AeroPress is widely regarded as top notch because of the pressure involved in the plunging.

I'm not espousing AeroPress over filter; I own a filter machine too and I enjoy using it sometimes. But this AeroPress makes better coffee to my mouth. I can also take it to work as it's small and portable and makes Americanos right at my desk, which are comparable to the on-site Costa, only at a fraction of the price. Again, I'm aware that you can use filter machines at work if there's a kitchen - this is not a mutually exclusive thing!
I always thought an Americano was just a regular coffee with a fancy name!

I had one in a John Lewis cafe the other week and it was a big cup which I just added milk.

Certainly was stronger than any filter coffee I have had though!
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Certainly was stronger than any filter coffee I have had though!

But you said "I have had an Americano and filter coffee and they taste the same to me,lol" :p.

A lot of places just given you an Americano even if you ask for filter coffee. This is a bit naughty and is usually done because places only want one machine to do all jobs, rather than having to buy and maintain a filter machine also.
But you said "I have had an Americano and filter coffee and they taste the same to me,lol" :p.

A lot of places just given you an Americano even if you ask for filter coffee. This is a bit naughty and is usually done because places only want one machine to do all jobs, rather than having to buy and maintain a filter machine also.

well they do after I have added a load of sugar to the Americano:D ..... only sweeter!!

they certainly do I have asked for regular coffee loads of time and checked my receipt to see it says Americano.
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Holy crap, I want it!!!!!

LOL can't tell if you're being sarcastic! But if not, then I do recommend it. It has worked for me flawlessly every morning. It is simple so not really much to it to go wrong. Yep it's plastic, but the jug is glass and for the price I couldn't complain! Do use paper filters over the plastic permanent one prvided though.
LOL can't tell if you're being sarcastic! But if not, then I do recommend it. It has worked for me flawlessly every morning. It is simple so not really much to it to go wrong. Yep it's plastic, but the jug is glass and for the price I couldn't complain! Do use paper filters over the plastic permanent one prvided though.
I was being serious, although that was before I saw the snazzy device on the previous page ;)

Still might be worth a try for me (being a lazy student). Thanks :D
New solid Oak extending dining table and chairs. It weighs a ton the chairs are very heavy as well.... Need to decorate the dining room now...

1. It's quicker, taking the time it takes to boil a mug's worth of water plus 30 seconds stirring and plunging. It can make four espressos in one batch. It's really not a faff if you know how easy it is to make coffee using this thing.
2. You can make espressos, lattes, mochas etc. with it, unlike a filter machine.
3. Some people prefer Americanos to filter coffee.
4. A £28 filter machine is likely to be a poor one.

Are the main reasons.

I have tried them all, or almost them all

A French press (cafeteria)
A stove top kettle
An Aeropress
A plastic filter over mug thing
A espresso machine
A hand burr grinder
A electric blade grinder
A electric burr grinder

I even contemplated doing a cold brew one time an done of those things that looks like a chemistry set.

I think the coffee from the Aeropress comes out is okay, but I don't think its as nice tasting as a stove top. Actually, if anyone who wants a free Aeropress with 100 spare filters (unopened in a bag) feel free to drop me a trust message. I have not used it in 4 years. I have it somewhere in the kitchen still.

Things I dislike about the Aeropress:

1 – It starts dripping the moment the water goes in, that part isn't espresso, that's just filter coffee. If you turn it upside down first and putting the filter on last then there is a risk of it becoming loose and coffee everywhere when you flip it over and press. It happened to me a couple of times. And risk of the filter not sit in perfect which means coffee grind in your drink.
2 – It can only make 1 cup at a time. (it's not really 4 espressos as you are not doing to put it between 4 espresso cups and move it along a quarter press each time) Nor are you going to take a sip from a mug and pass it to a friend. Plus, its too big to fit over an espresso cup. Not to mention the coffee is not compacted to begin with.
3 - What it makes sits between espresso and filter coffee, its neither. The "espresso" that the Aeropress makes are not like a real one I can make.
4 – The press doesn't fit under the grinder which means unlike the portafilter where I can put it under the grinder for the dispense of coffee grind, I need another thing to catch the grind and pour into the Aeropress. That's faff.

At the end of the day, if you want real espresso, you need an espresso machine, that's what it really comes down to. Yes, a decent machine costs 10 times more and I wouldn't necerricaly say it tastes 10 times better but I would say that if you want real espresso and think you can get it with an Aeropress, you are going to be disappointed.
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On the subject of 'Americano' Coffee...

Bought these from Tescos for £2 each! :) (there is an 'o' in the end of 'American...' on the front one! :D )


I'm still experimenting as to which coffee I like, as my wife bought me the French press (cafeteria) in the background at Christmas.

So far at the top of my list is an 'Ethiopian' blend from Aldi :cool: , not sure about the Colombian (Aldi again) and I don't like any Nescaffe/Kenko or Dowie Egberts!!

The Best I've had so far was the 'Blend 49' from Harrods which my Sister got a 'Taster Tin' of for me at christmas, but at £20(odd) quid it's a bit out of my price range!! :(
I think the coffee from the Aeropress comes out is okay, but I don't think its as nice tasting as a stove top. Actually, if anyone who wants a free Aeropress with 100 spare filters (unopened in a bag) feel free to drop me a trust message. I have not used it in 4 years. I have it somewhere in the kitchen still.

:eek: Someone take him up on that!

Things I dislike about the Aeropress:

1 – It starts dripping the moment the water goes in, that part isn't espresso, that's just filter coffee. If you turn it upside down first and putting the filter on last then there is a risk of it becoming loose and coffee everywhere when you flip it over and press It happened to me a couple of times. And risk of the filter not sit in perfect which means coffee grind in your drink.
2 – It can only make 1 cup at a time. (it's not really 4 espressos as you are not doing to put it between 4 espresso cups and move it along a quarter press each time) Nor are you going to take a sip from a mug and pass it to a friend. Plus, its too big to fit over an espresso cup. Not to mention the coffee is not compacted to begin with.
3 - What it makes sits between espresso and filter coffee, its neither. The "espresso" that the Aeropress makes are not like a real one I can make.
4 – The press doesn't fit under the grinder which means unlike the portafilter where I can put it under the grinder for the dispense of coffee grind, I need another thing to catch the grind and pour into the Aeropress. That's faff.

At the end of the day, if you want real espresso, you need an espresso machine, that's what it really comes down to. Yes, a decent machine costs 10 times more and I wouldn't necerricaly say it tastes 10 times better but I would say that if you want real espresso and think you can get it with an Aeropress, you are going to be disappointed.

- I personally never drink espressos, only americanos, lattes and mochas, but for those wanting proper espressos, yes it's not the same and you're right that you can't pour it straight into an espresso cup.

- Not sure how you manage to spill coffee everywhere and misalign the filter using the inverted method - it's fairly idiot proof! Besides which a few drips using the upright method makes zero practicable difference to the end result.

- You make four 'espressos' and press into a jug, then pour 1/4 into each mug and top up with hot water if you want an americano. You can't pull four espressos at once even using most expensive espresso machines and you don't have to wait ages for it to warm up before going ahead either.

- I grind straight into the grinder's container and scoop from there into the AeroPress.

I think this is a classic case of what works for you is best for you. So far, all things considered, the price, speed, convenience, and coffee taste per £ outlay is working nicely for me. And cleaning is a matter of pushing the coffee puck into the sink and rinsing the plunger with hot water.

If you're a massive espresso tart and must have the biggest crema going, then look elsewhere.

So much faff!

A good cup of tea > everything else :p

Shock horror...I also drink tea! Amazing I know!!
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At the end of the day, whatever works for you.

I rarely drink espressos either, but I do drink a lot of americanos and using the machine is a quicker and more consistent for me.

As for how it topple over?

When it is upside down, the top half just toppled over with water on it. The one time I let go to turn around to put a spoon in the sink, turn round to see it start to tip over...too late to grab it and OMG, so much mess.
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