Images of items I have purchased.

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Things I dislike about the Aeropress:

1 – It starts dripping the moment the water goes in, that part isn't espresso, that's just filter coffee. If you turn it upside down first and putting the filter on last then there is a risk of it becoming loose and coffee everywhere when you flip it over and press. It happened to me a couple of times. And risk of the filter not sit in perfect which means coffee grind in your drink.
2 – It can only make 1 cup at a time. (it's not really 4 espressos as you are not doing to put it between 4 espresso cups and move it along a quarter press each time) Nor are you going to take a sip from a mug and pass it to a friend. Plus, its too big to fit over an espresso cup. Not to mention the coffee is not compacted to begin with.
3 - What it makes sits between espresso and filter coffee, its neither. The "espresso" that the Aeropress makes are not like a real one I can make.
4 – The press doesn't fit under the grinder which means unlike the portafilter where I can put it under the grinder for the dispense of coffee grind, I need another thing to catch the grind and pour into the Aeropress. That's faff.

1 - use the invert method, thats all i ever do now.
2 - do it into a jug (or whatever)
3 - no its not true espresso due to the pressure (or something), its close enough for lesser "coffee snobs" ;)
4 - ah drama, an extra 10 seconds work ;)


As for how it topple over?

When it is upside down, the top half just toppled over with water on it. The one time I let go to turn around to put a spoon in the sink, turn round to see it start to tip over...too late to grab it and OMG, so much mess.

topple over? its just as stable upside-down as right way up :confused:
1. It's quicker, taking the time it takes to boil a mug's worth of water plus 30 seconds stirring and plunging. It can make four espressos in one batch. It's really not a faff if you know how easy it is to make coffee using this thing.
2. You can make espressos, lattes, mochas etc. with it, unlike a filter machine.
3. Some people prefer Americanos to filter coffee.
4. A £28 filter machine is likely to be a poor one.

Are the main reasons.

How would you make a latte/mocha without a milk frother, I guess you could use the hob but that's hardly ideal.
topple over? its just as stable upside-down as right way up :confused:

When it is inverted, with water in, it is top heavy.

With the water in the seal gets "lubricated" as it is now wet, and so if the top half is not perfectly straight upright, as that time it wasn't. If you let go, it would just slip to one side slowly and only time before centre of gravity make it topple over.
How would you make a latte/mocha without a milk frother, I guess you could use the hob but that's hardly ideal.

There are loads of ways to froth milk without a frother, though I'm not sure why you're precluding the use of one. Otherwise you can just add hot milk without the froth.

When it is inverted, with water in, it is top heavy.

With the water in the seal gets "lubricated" as it is now wet, and so if the top half is not perfectly straight upright, as that time it wasn't. If you let go, it would just slip to one side slowly and only time before centre of gravity make it topple over.

Demonstration that there's no such thing as idiot proof :D.
When it is inverted, with water in, it is top heavy.

With the water in the seal gets "lubricated" as it is now wet, and so if the top half is not perfectly straight upright, as that time it wasn't. If you let go, it would just slip to one side slowly and only time before centre of gravity make it topple over.

ive never ever ever had mine just topple over (even juggling feeding two cats at the same time), not sure what youre doing.. :confused:
Actually, if anyone who wants a free Aeropress with 100 spare filters (unopened in a bag) feel free to drop me a trust message. I have not used it in 4 years. I have it somewhere in the kitchen still.

if no one has trusted you yet Raymond i would love to take it from you, i wanted to pick one up when i was talking to a local roaster but as i had just spend nearly £1000 on my coffee machine and grinder my wife said no.
Large Jim'll Paint It canvas for the bedroom :D.

Awesome canvas, was extremely tempted to get the disturbing Chuckle Brothers one for the living room...
I bought a special sponge:

To restore the matte look and feel of my steering wheel:


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