****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****

I have own an iPhone for 5 years, I have never bricked one and even jailbrake the first one for all that time I had it.

The system partition on iOS is read only. I don't think outside of jailbreaking and hardware failure you can brick one.

Like I said in my post above though, I have seen iOS completely lock up (and sometimes with a black screen) and to some this may look like it has been 'bricked' but the two finger reboot sequence brings it back to life.
Reset does nothing. It always comes up the same iTunes logo. And you can't do anything else.

Good for you, it's never happened to you. Not surprising, not everyone has issues. But it does and can happen.
Two finger reboot sequence? Oh dear! I am never doing that to any technical device, ever!

My iphone does jam up a lot though :(
Reset does nothing. It always comes up the same iTunes logo. And you can't do anything else.

Good for you, it's never happened to you. Not surprising, not everyone has issues. But it does and can happen.

Prior to iOS 5 you did need a computer and iTunes. Primarily to activate the phone. All you should need now is a valid and active SIM card.

As for it never happening it to me, that's right I have been lucky. However so have the fleet of nearly a hundred iPhones we have at work - not one of them has ever become 'bricked'
Take it to the tablet forum please guys, let's get back on track.

Just bought this bottle of beer, it wasn't cheap. £4.49. :o

I have to say I've used the Surface RT and even though I'm not a massive fan of Windows 8 it actually is very, very good. The build quality is excellent and the innovative keyboard / trackpad is excellent - you use it as either a tablet or a laptop which makes using office work so much better. The fact that you can add a SD card on the side and a USB stick gives you a ton of storage.

The only thing for me stopping me buying one is that the Surface Pro is just around the corner so I'll be getting one of them instead. Having space used as a backup doesn't bother me as it's easy to offload them to a USB stick. All manufacturers use the stupid 1GB = 1000MB when everyone knows it's not true.

Even though I'm currently an iPhone user (only due to exceptional cheapness) I still think they're over hyped and nothing really 'new' has happened in a while (look at the mini iPad for example - moving away from retina which is touted as a 'must have' on every advert) and the iPhone 5 being slightly bigger isn't exactly game changing. I really can't do anything I want unless I jail break it. So having a full tablet where I can install what I like is very appealing to me.

Nice whisky selection!

I'm guessing they're all peaty? Ardbeg is a favourite of mine but want to get some different this year for Christmas.
I've joined swimming, going daily (where time allows!) but after 3 months will most likely add the gym or maybe Tai Chi if it has started by then.

It's £20 a month and signing up before it's opened means no admin fee (£25). Commitment is 3 months or money back within first 10 days :)
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