****Images of Items or Services Purchased in November 2012****


They're a daily t-shirt site, but do have a back catologue you can order from. However it would appear most are unavailabe to make sure they're not inundated with requests for Christmas that they cannot fill in time. I imagine once the demand drops they'll allow orders on the old t-shirts again.
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Car Insurance made bearable by being really cheap and also getting this little guy :D

Anyway. My haul from work, the book was from play.com and came in at about £5.


The Vita was £189.99 with the 4gb card and Little Big Planet free, so with 10% of it was a nice price.

EDIT:- I also ordered a new glass screen for my Galaxy S3 as the phone dropped from my locker at work, that set me back £15.90

Can I ask where you got the vita for that price, please? :)

Custom designed tshirt from StreetShirt (didnt use that offer code as I wanted it before 2013).

Without wanting to pick on your or anything, I can't wait for this fad to die out.

So many blokes walking around with pictures on their t-shirt that are straight off a fourteen year old boy's bedroom wall.

Get some class, chaps.

Edit: Do I have it in the back of my mind that that's your missus? If so, exception granted.
Without wanting to pick on your or anything, I can't wait for this fad to die out.

So many blokes walking around with pictures on their t-shirt that are straight off a fourteen year old boy's bedroom wall.

Get some class, chaps.

You do know that you have some type of girl without a top on in your signature image right?

/oh it seems to change every so often...

Finally found some gloves that work with smartphones/cameras yet still keep my hands comfortable :D

For anyone remotely interested, they're the Tog24 "Skin" model.
Have you fixed your phone screen? I have also cracked the screen of my S3 but from what I read at the time I would have replace the screen and digitizer which was going to be about 140 quid so decided just to live with it!

Do you have a link for the screen you purchased?

Many Thanks

I googled it and read a fair bit. It's a lot easier to replace the whole unit. For the screen it is VERY tedious, you need to keep heating the glass and move a tiny plastic tool VERY slowly along the very edge to release the screen as its all glued to the digitizer. If you look on eBay for 'Galaxy S3 Glass Screen' you can get them around £16. Video on how to fit is here I'm going to be sticking some selotape on mine to stop the fragments hitting my face...

Can I ask where you got the vita for that price, please? :)

Argos, £189.99 with free 4Gb memory card and Little Big Planet, I work there so 10% discount for me :D
purchased this month.

7" tablet
nintendo ds xl
lego friends
headratz (board game)
puppy in my pocket house
few wii games
4 winx club dolls
wrapping paper

all for my daughter for xmas,still got a few more to get yet.

also got myself a new camera bag and a sony a200,nvidia 9600.
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