Yeah, i get what you mean pal. Sounds like you at least tried to be honest, although can't say i would have ! I probably just would have taken it and at least pretended to use it, too much stress to be dealing with on Christmas day.

I actually didn't say anything to her about it until a couple days after. I just left it boxed without using it. It wasn't until my Dad asked about getting it setup with the speakers (also a present i didn't need) that i told them my phone does everything it can do. Was harsh but like i said before, it's no good having which was probably £200+ worth of stuff that's not gonna be used.
Well put it this way, i probably sound well ungrateful but a year or two back my mum bought me an Apple iTouch 8GB when my phone could do absolutely everything it could do and more. I was disappointed and told my mum straight that i wouldn't use it and asked if she had the receipt. She was upset, i even offered for her to keep the money. End of the day it's pointless owning something so expensive that you'll never use.

A bit cold but I get where your coming from. Im impossible to buy for, to the point when I now buy my presents (with their money) and give them to my family members to wrap up.

My mams getting me a fuel pump for my Triumph Spitfire! lol
I have no idea why DPD won't deliver to Newcastle, as you can see we are having some severe weather at present xD


Trying to get them to deliver the parcels from another company that likes purple from over 2 weeks ago. They are only 3 miles from here and I drove to them on Saturday 14 miles from my home and I made it alright. I guess the rain and wet roads are a little too bad for DPD xD They won't let me collect the parcels for work either even though I have the invoice and tracking information. They said I need the card to pick it up if they fail on their first delivery.
So let me be clear. The order i made at about 1pm today has absolutely no chance of getting here this week, even if i live directly south of the OCUK warehouse?
I thin everyone is missing the point. DPD are trying to clear a backlog that happened because of the weather.

No, as usual, only most people don't seem to get it! ;)

No we get the point xD We have deliveries sent out 4 days ago and they arrived yesterday but orders from 2 weeks ago are sat in the depot for us :D Just seems strange that orders made days ago are showing up through DPD and then ones sat there from when we first got the snow are still on hold.
So let me be clear. The order i made at about 1pm today has absolutely no chance of getting here this week, even if i live directly south of the OCUK warehouse?

Which part of Scotland and the north east is south of staffordshire :confused:

I can see why a lot of companies have just said nothing, it's easier.
Well i don't know, i'm clueless and i keep reading different things in different topics. I live in South Wales and ordered just before 1pm today. What are my chances the stuff will be here tommorrow? That's all i ask.
Ive just been informed by citylink that today is the last day of any shipments going to and from Scotland until the backlog is cleared


Ive just had a DPD van come to us, i thought YAY! my ram, but no he was doing a collection from us for someone sending something back :(
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So is it pointless for me to order something now and hope to get it before xmas?
I'm by Edinburgh
So is it pointless for me to order something now and hope to get it before xmas?
I'm by Edinburgh

Personally I'd use special delivery and cross everything.

And OcUK aren't tempted to help those loyal forum members north of the border out with discounted special delivery? I'd like to get a 6970, I just don't really want to pay huge SD charges. :(
And OcUK aren't tempted to help those loyal forum members north of the border out with discounted special delivery? I'd like to get a 6970, I just don't really want to pay huge SD charges. :(

We'd like you to buy a 6970 too, but don't really want to pay the huge SD charges for you ;)
Well folkies, this is gonna upset a few of you and will likely make Telescopi and NathWraith actually quite happy (;)) but... my order just arrived :o.

I'll be the first to hold my hand up and say I've been well and truly owned by DPD this time around and definitely won't be so fast with criticism next time :).

Ordered Tuesday morning, arrived 10 minutes ago. I have been put well and truly back in my box. Apologies to NathWraith again.

EDIT - Actually, scratch that, shame on you OcUK... I ordered a white sleeved 24-pin extension cable and you sent me a black one! (I actually couldn't care, I just needed to try and gain something back ;))
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I placed an order on Monday and it's still sitting at the DPD sortation hub. It is only fair that you send yours back.
lucky you memphis mine was sent 9th., I got through to a lovely women at dpd Edinburgh finally says it will be going out tomorrow if its on one of the trucks they had there she thinks it is as was recieved the 9th if not she said it would be saturday.

We shall see.
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