In Mensa!

Hmmm I CANNOT believe the OP is STILL responding to this and makign himself look like even more of a breast!

If I was "the_Sophisticate" I would let my entire online "persona" die and start afresh.

OP wtf are you even thinking? You not at uni, you are a forklift truck driver in a warehouse doing nightshift and you are trying to tell everyone how intelligent you are?

Its nuts. Plain and simple. Its beyond a laugh now. I think you have a serious behavioural issue, as most people would be gone by now, but you keep coming back for more attention.

If you were that clever, you would already be working in Finance or studying for a degree. You are a warehouse monkey not Stephen Hawking. It sounds like you havent even got any school qualifications ffs! Were you "too clever" for school?

Anyone who has even the slightest of clues can get themselves into Uni. I am lost for words here, I really am!

Mensa must be ridiculously easy to get into these days.

To be fair that is not always the case. I have a high IQ according to tests, yet I have not been to Uni (although I may in the near future). Many people from all walks of life are intelligent and you don't need to be a Uni Grad or work in Finance or even have any formal qualifications at all for that matter.

Patrick Moore, the Astronomer is a good example, no formal qualifications, but one of the most intelligent people you could meet.
I'm intrigued :p

In a nutshell, I am developing an all-conquering, fully flexible AI, fully learning AI.

The idea is that the AI "brain" shall be held on servers in locations around the World. The processing (which will be very intensive), shall be carried out on the servers, while the clients are merely user interfaces to allow humans (or robots), to interface with the server or the brain. This ensures that smart phones, laptops and desktop computers alike can use the program.

The first phase is simply to create a program (natural language processor) which can answer any question or regurgitate information which has been input, using natural English (no code or preprogrammed phrases).
For example:
User types: My name is John
User types: what is my name?
AI types: Your name is John.

Now imagine that, but for every conceivable sentence/info.

The program has a heavy commercial slant to it and it is not a research project (otherwise I could've done this as part of a phd).

I have already made serious headway. The problem I am finding right now is that the program is extremely large and complicated and I'm attempting to bring on a collaborator who will help me develop the software. I have shown the concepts/capabilities of the program to many people who all agree that it will be an awesome program, should it be completed. When I show them the source code however, after much confusion they realise that the program is far too complicated for them to contribute towards.

I have come across some serious problems and conquered every single one of them so far. In my head, I have every obvious concept nailed down. For me, this is all very logical. It isn't difficult (as I think much like a computer), but it is extremely time consuming typing up all the code.

Now, if I could find someone who has strong logic routines (in their brain) and with a sufficiently big ego, they won't ever come back to me and state that 'the program is too difficult to understand'. This is why I asked if you can program.

The sort of person I'm looking for will be highly intelligent (extensive programming experience is not necessary, as they can pick this up fairly quickly if they are intelligent), will have a massive ego and will never quit.

What got me interested in this thread, was when you bragged about the fact that you had a high IQ. :)

What happened? Can't you just make one for his brother hard nut Harold?

Just randomly banned. I could see it coming though when around 30 people a day on my friends list were getting wiped out. :p

You have to verify them now with a phone number and I've used both of mine. :o
I've come back to this thread rather late haven't I? I replied to a few random bits in the middle and haven't the heart to delete them:

Well let me tell you, you're not cool, you're not above us
Dude, I just read about people like you here: ;)

Perhaps I overestimated the calibre of the OcUK poster
Oops! And you wonder why you keep getting cut down?

Wrong. Possessiveness takes presidence over contraction.
Wrongity-wrong I'm afraid.

Look at it this way: his, hers, its <-- possessive, no apostrophes.
Now he's, she's, it's, <-- contraction with 'is', apostrophe.

Does it work the other way around also?
Low IQ = high common sense?
I think sometimes it might do. If you can't work things out from first principles, you are more likely to eventually just 'know' (maybe knowledge passed down from parents or from experience) what to and what not to do - in the manner of common sense.

And finally: A high IQ score on its own won't get you far unless there's diligence and determination behind it.
I strongly disagree on this one. Just because you are a forklift driver or do manual labour, does not mean that you are thick as a plank. Similarly, if you are super intelligent, doesnt necessarily mean that you will do a job is suited to your intelligence level.

I'd agree with you there, it is perfectly possible for someone to have perhaps not had the opportunities when younger or perhaps have fallen in with the wrong crowd and mucked about in school or to have just generally been a lazy teenager. Though in general there is a positive correlation between IQ and earnings. The OP is young so the fact that he is a forklift truck driver is fairly irrelevant, if he had spent the last 20 years as a fork lift truck driver however the reliability of his IQ test as an indicator of either intelligence or potential etc.. would be questionable.

On another note, just because you are have a degree (or 2), under your belt, does not mean that you have high intelligence. Intelligence is something which is not necessarily linked to higher/further education.

Intelligence and knowledge are separate things yes however you require a certain level of intelligence to be able to get a 1st in say maths or physics.
In fact I'd say getting a 1st in maths is probably a better indicator of intelligence than getting into 'mensa'. At least as far as the logic/mathematical aspect of intelligence is concerned.

Then again some people have an extraordinary ability to say paint a highly detailed picture of say a landscape, this also requires raw intelligence though isn't something we're able to easily quantify. Its not simply good spacial awareness, IQ tests don't currently measure it and the marking in fine art degrees is subjective. Still it requires a form of intelligence currently only possessed by sentient beings.
The OP is young so the fact that he is a forklift truck driver is fairly irrelevant, if he had spent the last 20 years as a fork lift truck driver however the reliability of his IQ test as an indicator of either intelligence or potential etc.. would be questionable.

What if he didnt need the higher salary which is usually the big motivating factor in going for jobs which require greater intellect? What if he was financially 'okay', on a forklift driver's wages? What if he was also lazy? What if he was finding other means of mental stimulation to exercise his mind?

I do believe there is correlation, between high IQ and the job that you do, however, irrespective of age, the correlation is not strict and there will be cases where people with prodigiously high IQs can reach the age of 50 without ever doing a mentally taxing job.

I say the above, because for a decade or so, I was working a brain-dead supermarket job, despite having a high IQ and good qualifcations. I was living in my parental home, which meant that my up-keep was low, hence the need for money and high paying job was non-existent. I used to play online strategy games in the evenings, for hours on end. These games pushed my logic pathways to their limits and I compared well with the competition on offer. My friends new I was intelligent. I knew I was intelligent. But I had no desire/need to get a well paid job.

This lifestyle and way of thinking changed, the day I moved out of my parental home ;)
What if he didnt need the higher salary which is usually the big motivating factor in going for jobs which require greater intellect?

Well judging by his responses it looks like he has fairly high aspirations for himself which would indicate an intent to not be a forklift truck driver for much longer. So while he might be doing so at the moment whilst studying but if he were to come back in a decade or two and was still one then....
What if he didnt need the higher salary which is usually the big motivating factor in going for jobs which require greater intellect?

Not sure I'd agree with this one though - an MBA will likely earn you more than a PhD yet a PhD requires the capacity to produce original research whereas an MBA merely requires you to have a reasonable undergrad, some experience and the ability to learn 'stuff'.

A barrow boy salesman/broker in the city will earn a lot more than an average researcher, engineer, academic etc..
In a nutshell, I am developing an all-conquering, fully flexible AI, fully learning AI.
*Arnie Voice* A Learning Computer...

The sort of person I'm looking for will be highly intelligent (extensive programming experience is not necessary, as they can pick this up fairly quickly if they are intelligent), will have a massive ego and will never quit.

What got me interested in this thread, was when you bragged about the fact that you had a high IQ. :)

You misjudged the bigness of my ego, but it does sound interesting :p fair few man hours required though?

I'm looking at starting my own business, there's a gap in the market in my town, and startup costs aren't too high. Once I have a little saved from this job i can approach a bank with a plan.

...and my mensa invitation :o:D:p
Too much brains does not always equal social acceptance and success though!

The same goes for being as dumb as a rock.
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