In Which we discuss the next folding at home competition

Yes you're probably right.

Well i say give SS a chance to come and rescue some of his ideas which have had holes picked in them, he seems to have lots of good ideas and solutions.

I don't know if you've already found a solution to this or what, but how are we going to deal with overclocked cpus in the ppd/w league? Because we don't have any figures for overclocked cpus...
I think the Overclocker's league is sorted... i cant see any obvious flaws with my scoring system and as said it is nice n easy.

As for points/TDP for overclocked CPUs... a no go. Assuming you could find the info, which I doubt as it would require proof, overclocking wouldn't get you anywhere. You might go from 2GHz on yer E6600 to 3.5GHz and a nice load of points extra... but your TDP could be going from around 60/70 watts to well over a hundred... it would probably give you a worse score at the end the more you clocked.

TDP should be for just stock CPUs. We will know if people are fibbing too because I have rough estimates for over 50 CPUs, meaning someone with an overclocked E6600 and lying should stand out.
Awww. Anything in particular?

Basically TDP competition with overclocked CPUs is daft as there is a good chance of having no or even negative gain.

Anyone using an overclocked CPU in a stock CPU category will be noticed as they will be much further ahead than other with similar CPUs and I also have rough PPD figures for a lot of CPUs, if anyone is significantly different then they is pwnt :p

I'm just scared about letting the rest of OcUK know. Let's face it, it is bad enough getting people to install it and configure it, never mind explaining the competition too :p

Still, I think the attraction of prizes will help smooth things along :D

I think the best way to do it is to have a Competition Entry thread in here, with all the league info, rules and prizes and what they need to do to enter.

Then in GD have a pimping thread that advertises the competition but with only information OcUKers want.... which is basically "What do I win?" and "Will this cost me?"


Well, original plan was to post in gh, but could also post in cpus, oc&c, gd. Have to ask a don about it.

Remember this isn't the first competition and it won't be the last. If we have to save some ideas for future competitions then so be it.

I think we said no gpus didn't we? Could easily have a gpu only competition later posted in the graphics forum. Or have we thought of a way to still allow gpus
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Agreed, GH is full of n00bs who ask 'omgz list the competitorz so i can getz a raza trantula coz its the best overpriced p.o.s eva'

Most people who post in hardware section can be found lurking in GD too.
SiriusB said:
*covers his Razer Diamondbacks ears*

Shh! Don't say things like that! :(


Razer mice are perfectly acceptable (have 2 ch) :)

GD is full of DC naysayers. Though admittedly that was mostly SETI. Folding doesn't seem to have such an adverse reception. :)

Folding imo, and im sure for many others is the same, a much more promising dc project, tbh i don't really care if there is e.t life, a cure for a disease or a progression in the understanding of something biological is a much better achievement.

I've just had a look at the stats list, it would seem that many overclockers have an enormous number of work units and about 300 points (eue's) so posting in oc'ing/hardware area might not be the best idea.
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