[In Win 901] Celestial

The system is evolving nicely, you're right about the Pavrum modcubes as they don't draw too much attention to them either so the system is still the main focus of attention.
I also love how everything is made to precission on this build. It truly goes with the Rolls Royce mentality of nothing but perfection :)

And although it might be difficult, I'm glad about the Corsair project as it means more updates of Celestial for me to look at :D

They were the easiest way of doing it tbh. :D
Once its painted you will hardly see them.

Really starting to shape up well. Enjoying seeing the progress you've made so far :)

Thanks,its making good progress!

Yes, Goodwood :)

Great job on this enjoying watching it come together.

Dont sue me! :D

I could never own a Rolls but I can certainly stand for a good while and stare....

Looks crap and I am not jealous in any way shape or form of your machinery and cad skills. =(

You are jealous of all my base...which belongs to me.

Hey...is it me or is he copying my Aquaero mounting idea bit with better tech?! ;) Can you copy my idea of mounting massively overkill rad on the side so I can see how you deal with the tube routing problem and copy you?! :D

I dont copy.
Im not using an Aquaero.
Passive rads made of Alu are not my thing.
Mounting a rad on the side or indeed,the Aquaero mount are not new ideas.

If i was you,I would make a manifold to do all the hardwork on your build.
It's the rectangular hole in your PSU shroud that I meant. That's where I've just finished filing a hole to mount an Aquaero on my build. For clarity (which is sometimes difficult on text forums), I wasn't seriously suggesting you were copying me and wouldn't mind if you were...slightly annoyed that you're doing it better, but that's my problem ;)
The rad on the side isn't a new idea but my current difficulty is getting the coolant connected neatly by going through the 'spaghetti space' rather than going fully external. Hence my suggestion that I'd be pleased if you happened to solve that issue for me! :D
For the record, I AM jealous of both your CNC and your ability to do impressive things with it.
It's the rectangular hole in your PSU shroud that I meant. That's where I've just finished filing a hole to mount an Aquaero on my build. For clarity (which is sometimes difficult on text forums), I wasn't seriously suggesting you were copying me and wouldn't mind if you were...slightly annoyed that you're doing it better, but that's my problem ;)
The rad on the side isn't a new idea but my current difficulty is getting the coolant connected neatly by going through the 'spaghetti space' rather than going fully external. Hence my suggestion that I'd be pleased if you happened to solve that issue for me! :D
For the record, I AM jealous of both your CNC and your ability to do impressive things with it.

Im posting short as Im nursing flu.

If you have time and talent then try acrylic tube and bulkhead passthrus. Or knock something up in Sketchup and ask the PARVUM guys to make it for you?
Time: not so much but at least the first stage of this can be done without disrupting what is basically my work and games (for the time I don't have) machine.
Talent: no but I've done the basics and I'm learning on the job :D

Planning to use acrylic for most of it but need some soft tube to allow some flexibility to open the side door. Did come up with a devious way of making a hinge with four 90 bends but almost certain that three points of swivelling for each of two hinges would have enough resistance that things would break before the door opened.

I'd love to do some custom stuff with Parvum but unless I completely reimagine the design, there just isn't the room.

Raw acrylic would work fine but having trouble finding a grommet that'll fit the 3mm thick panel. Grommet preferable anyway but now a necessity as the pass through hole that isn't visible is perfect and the one that is, isn't. Sods law really. Got a few ideas on the drawing board but it's going to be a case of what's available and what fits.

Main thing was to apologise for coming across like I was having a go. Certainly not what I intended (big fan of your projects) and I ought (from past bitter experience) appreciate how easy it is for text on a forum to have a completely different meaning read into it.
Hope you get over the man-flu soon. If it's any consolation, I'm up next...my wife has it currently - obviously the lesser lady-flu ;)
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Time: not so much but at least the first stage of this can be done without disrupting what is basically my work and games (for the time I don't have) machine.
Talent: no but I've done the basics and I'm learning on the job :D

Planning to use acrylic for most of it but need some soft tube to allow some flexibility to open the side door. Did come up with a devious way of making a hinge with four 90 bends but almost certain that three points of swivelling for each of two hinges would have enough resistance that things would break before the door opened.

I'd love to do some custom stuff with Parvum but unless I completely reimagine the design, there just isn't the room.

Raw acrylic would work fine but having trouble finding a grommet that'll fit the 3mm thick panel. Grommet preferable anyway but now a necessity as the pass through hole that isn't visible is perfect and the one that is, isn't. Sods law really. Got a few ideas on the drawing board but it's going to be a case of what's available and what fits.

Main thing was to apologise for coming across like I was having a go. Certainly not what I intended (big fan of your projects) and I ought (from past bitter experience) appreciate how easy it is for text on a forum to have a completely different meaning read into it.
Hope you get over the man-flu soon. If it's any consolation, I'm up next...my wife has it currently - obviously the lesser lady-flu ;)

I didnt take it like that,im just f@:ked from flu. :D

Im not known for beating around the bush,I certainly say what I mean,dont worry about that.

In a small update,both rad box panels are nearly done,along with the exhaust panels!
The rad box has detail work mimicking the rocker covers of that amazing engine. They will have mesh backing I think to finish the look.

Here is a view of that amazing engine,you can see what I have run with,coupling that with the door sills gives me a nice bit of detailing to add substance.




I have made a booboo...I thought the engine was a v16.....and it isnt,its a v12 so the design of 8 ports per side needs to be changed to 6 ports per side... :rolleyes:
So...I have ordered more Alu to recut the lower panels and cut the replacement top door section.

I really should check things more often.....
It's the quality of the finish on the bevels of the ports that gets me. What have you got to do that with? ...just so I can look at one lustfully and not be able to afford one :D
It's the quality of the finish on the bevels of the ports that gets me. What have you got to do that with? ...just so I can look at one lustfully and not be able to afford one :D

CNC mill,this was a 2 stage job with a tool swap. 3mm endmill for the contours and a 6mm chamfer mill for the bevelling.
As much as I love your design and the Rolls Royce this is completely unacceptable, go and tell them to put the V16 in their car so this magnificent work can stay :D

Seriously though, the pannels look great and I'm sure they'll look great in V12 design as well. Just remember to get the photos up ASAP :)
As much as I love your design and the Rolls Royce this is completely unacceptable, go and tell them to put the V16 in their car so this magnificent work can stay :D

Seriously though, the pannels look great and I'm sure they'll look great in V12 design as well. Just remember to get the photos up ASAP :)

Im looking to get all the major panels done by Sunday then I will be spending time truing up everything on the midpanel,namely the PARVUM mod cubes so the shut lines look good. A poor shut line will show up and look gopping.....so not RR!

Today was all about the PSU cover now its a defunct mount and seeing as its In Wins 30th Anniversary I thought I would mark the moment....

Some slot work to promote some airflow and a nice machined 30th Anniversary logo!




Some lovely chamfers.....everybody loves chamfers right?

And the article in place,I still have to drill out the bolt holes and trim the case near one of the slots tho.



The idea is to paint these then flood fill the recess with clearcoat,when its dry,sand it right back and you are left with the visual cue of depth but it will be flat to the touch.

The rest of today is going to be spent truing up everything and getting the door panel planned and maybe cut....
Hopefully anyway....
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Outstanding. And yes, lovely chamfers. Certainly look better than my simple de-burring! Like the sound of the paint finish, can't wait to see pics.
Those chamfers look sublime, also the channels for the paint to fill are a great idea as it should give it a unique look. I can't wait to see them painted as I'm interested to see the actual finished effect/depth it will have :)
Outstanding. And yes, lovely chamfers. Certainly look better than my simple de-burring! Like the sound of the paint finish, can't wait to see pics.

Those chamfers look sublime, also the channels for the paint to fill are a great idea as it should give it a unique look. I can't wait to see them painted as I'm interested to see the actual finished effect/depth it will have :)

I do like a bit of paint.....Im looking forward to it as it will tie the build together and make it 'real'.

A dark blue metallic with massive particles is the plan.
Just wow! The level of craftsmanship is incredible and the attention to detail is sublime. Easily one of the best creations I've seen!

A small update,the res has been tapped and the whole structure has been trued up ready for me to cut the top panel,after this im on to the storage. The original idea was to have the bottom bay open and the storage mounted in there,however nothing ever stays to plan so Im mounting inside the main compartment instead. I also used 13mm angle to fixthe side panels to the main structure,those screws are not staying tho,looking and some nice CSK with cups
for that job.

After a few pointers from the guys at PARVUM Im also ready to start machining the acrylic parts of the side panels and the window for the main section. Soon I will be taking a small break from this as I have another build to do with a short deadline,normal service will be resumed shortly!




This is going to look so slick once its painted,just waiting for money to clear before splurging on EL kits and lovely lovely paint.
It's certainly looking good so far. Looking forward to seeing loop completion and lighting...but then I've always been somewhat impatient :D
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