*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

EDIT: I'm allowed to play when she goes to bed around 9:30/10PM :D

No one on in the day atm either, want a loot run.

I have NVG's, armor, P556, silencer, forward grip and red dot sight :D Damn scared to lose them though
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Was playing on EU199 the other night with a friend, seems an alright server for now.

Something strange did happen though, I was running into clearview, had nothing at all, not even a flash light, so im crawling along and suddenly a zombie runs around and corner and goes for me, so I jump up and leg it as fast as I can picking up another few on the way.

This is where the weird part starts happening, as im running I see a flash light about 100 yards away and run towards it thinking "well im screwed either way" to my amazement the player kills the zombies with his flash light, turns around and DOESNT kill me...drops a spare flashlight he has and 4 of his mates come round and drop hates and bags for me. :D

We clear the town and part ways. Now after that im in shock :p but we find another person, kills all zombies around us, after i said "friendly! we only have flashlights" he drops a gun with 2 bullets.

Nice to see there are decent players who dont shoot on sight ;)
Ill be on around 5pm I think plenty of guns now from last nights hunt lol

Oh yeah armour needs to drop more if its staying this weak personally think if you have the hat and body armor you shouldn't be able to get melee'd to deathand it should protect you from a fair amount of bullets half a mag worth your hit in those spots if its going to stay as rare as it is...
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It's a good way to look at future support and how bothered they are about the games they make...

Huh? It's not the same games company, thats like saying "look at how they support GOW or LoL" - he helped with both : Epic Games; assisted in the production of Gears of War.Riot Games; worked as a developer of League of Legends.
I'm not a very good sniper but have mucho ammo.

Missus has confirmed I can play tonight, it's like being a kid again.

"If you're good, you can play zombieland with your friends" :D
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