*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Some basic tips for newbies...

- Torch will kill zombies - bash above their heads 5-6 times.
- Hammer or bat is much better melee and will kill a zed in 3 hits.
- Look for loot in the smaller towns / villages.
- The North of the map seems to be busier in my experience - around Campos and Clearview so you might want to stay clear.
- Boulder seems pretty empty I wouldn't bother with it too much.
- Airfield seems to be decent for weapons but is a long trek if you're not near by.

Unfortunately 90% of people you meet will try and kill you so best to shoot first and ask questions later - not the way I want to play to be honest but been killed too many times because I was hoping the other person was friendly.

Good luck.
Torch kills zombies in 6 hits? More like 16!. Started playing 2 days ago and takes the **** trying to get anywhere, I'm there for 15mins fighting one zombie, got too bored to go anywhere else.
Torch kills zombies in 6 hits? More like 16!. Started playing 2 days ago and takes the **** trying to get anywhere, I'm there for 15mins fighting one zombie, got too bored to go anywhere else.

yea maybe a few more - best to get a hammer asap really. Torch also gives your position away.
This may be a stupid question but I just started and have equipped a torch. How do I put it away again?? I have literally tried every key, except the right one evidently...

Edit: NVM found key at bottom of list :P
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Some basic tips for newbies...

- Torch will kill zombies - bash above their heads 5-6 times.
- Hammer or bat is much better melee and will kill a zed in 3 hits.
- Look for loot in the smaller towns / villages.
- The North of the map seems to be busier in my experience - around Campos and Clearview so you might want to stay clear.
- Boulder seems pretty empty I wouldn't bother with it too much.
- Airfield seems to be decent for weapons but is a long trek if you're not near by.

Unfortunately 90% of people you meet will try and kill you so best to shoot first and ask questions later - not the way I want to play to be honest but been killed too many times because I was hoping the other person was friendly.

Good luck.

Thanks for that mate.

This may be a stupid question but I just started and have equipped a torch. How do I put it away again?? I have literally tried every key, except the right one evidently...

Same here
Yeah I dunno whats happening, I'm typing into the box and hitting enter then notihng happens. Found a hammer and a big backpack tho :)
Woop, found a bug. Was walking down the side of a steep hill, then I randomly lost health. Got to some rocks and tried to move forward, went straight into the air way up high. Moved about a bit then fell down and died. :(

What's meant to happen when you die? It jsut sits there saying "you are dead" and does not do anything else...
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You have to log on a new character until your death timer runs down on the char that died. Then you can go back on that one. it's best to create all 5 slots and then you can quit when you're dead and select one of the other ones.
Had that problem too. Then it started working again. Also noticed it doesnt like really short msgs, they dont appear.

Anyone else have the problem when you quit game after death it says "disconnecting soon" then never does...?
Gun + some items at the whitestone mountain I think it's called in the middle, just died there and will get my items in an hour, but they are there if anyone wants them :P

Edit: yeah mak3r, got the disconnecting now, won't move ;(
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