I crawled everywhere, still got detected

Why is it so stupid?
And now i'm starting with nothing, even with a new char?
I've seen your posts and I really don't understand why you're struggling so much.
1) Avoid Clearview and Campos until you have a firearm.
2) Don't run along or parallel to roads/tracks, you'll be easy to spot.
3) Use 10 player or less servers until you have a weapon.
4) Almost all zeds will die with 5 hits or less with any melee weapon AS LONG as you are hitting the head, this is crucial, I spent ages bashing zeds in the body until this "clicked" for me.
5) If you agro zeds, they will only run to the last place they "heard/saw" you, however when they get there, if you are still running quick or are in sight, they will continue to chase.
I've got maybe less than 10 kills from zeds and i've been playing this since release date, the biggest risk is other players.
If you really really are struggling, group up with some guys and get them to give you a gun. Either myself, Witcher, N00bie, Carl, Neil, James and numerous others are on every day and we'll happily team up with you to show you the ropes.
Don't take this to heart too much but every post you've made appears to have been bashing this game without really giving it a good chance, patience is the key. I'm a fairly good player but this game was hard at first, then it all just "clicks"