*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

I can't be much more stealthy than going prone with my hammer in hand, then 6 zombies all turn around and chase me :(

Also what's the point in not deleting your char when they die, if you start with nothing.

Run backwards (not sprint) and you'll hit them one at a time until they are dead.

3 hits to the head with a hammer and they go down.
Sigh! Server hoppers :/

We had 8 of us heavily armed been a good day played from 8pm till midnight, decided to go to echoes compound once we got there it was empty nobody nearby. We all went prone, I went to the bog came back and two guys had been killed in front of me. Suddenly a lot of people start server hopping in front and behind us, we all go down one by one with a silenced weapon. They grab our stuff and hop back out!

Not cool, there was no way to defend ourselves at all and the compound is a very secure location unless ofcause you hop straight in
Just looked at the WarZ forums, it seems the forum was hacked :p

That one mod, Devin Hutchinson, posted a screen shot from a hacking website, about a member of that website being caught for hacking, so the hacker was also a member on this forums and he asked that his email be blurred or taken off of the image. Long story short the thread got really nasty really quick, and to be honest the hacker wasn't being rude or anything ( no excusing his hacking) he just wanted his email not to be displayed. Not sure what happened after that.
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626 and carl after you guys left I got some action (different server same place), two guys later and I had this. I know it is nothing special at all but was funny getting it. I only had one M4 and a B92, rest was from the other guys. The M4 had a full c-mag :)

Na just announce yourselfs, we are are a really good bunch of people

However some are going to go to bed soon if not in the next 10mins :p
LoL says you :p

I wonder when the next patch is, haven't had one for ages now

Anyhoo oneale e.t.c see you at 8!

Patch is meant to hit at thanks giving. I am not 100% sure but I think the devs are American. It is meant to be a big patch, and this year thanks giving falls on the 22nd.
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