*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

why is it terrible?

it's fun but annoyign when you lose items. I just died to someone and lost a gun a ton of ammo/food/bat etc. kinda annoyed now, i told him not to shoot me as well :(
Just finished looting Smallville and when I was just on the outskirts of the town heading to the safe zone two ***** killed me, I didn't even see them, they were behind me when they shot, literally shot in the back :( lost a med bag full of loot incl. a AA-12, ammo etc! Rage lol
Because he is a DayZ fanboy :)

No I'm not :p
I think DayZ is terrible too, in its current state, just less terrible than this. I guess it's the fact that zombies seem to be unkillable, surely 5 hits with a baseball bat to the chops is enough to kill them. That and I can't find a sodding weapon.

At least in DayZ you don't usually have to go far before you find a hatchet, if not a pistol.

This is the USA, Colarado... where are all the guns?!
No I'm not :p
I think DayZ is terrible too, in its current state, just less terrible than this. I guess it's the fact that zombies seem to be unkillable, surely 5 hits with a baseball bat to the chops is enough to kill them. That and I can't find a sodding weapon.

At least in DayZ you don't usually have to go far before you find a hatchet, if not a pistol.

Stick with it, I was the same at first but now I freaking love it. Regards weapons sometimes you will find all that stuff right away and other times you won't. Weapons kills and hits, it is Alpha so I expect all that to be ironed out when it is Beta which I believe is the 30th? Sometimes headshots don't register, it is rare but does happen.

They also have a huge update which is meant to be coming out at thanks giving, which I think is next week. The game has issues with server jumpers where they loot, change servers and loot the same area over and over leaving it empty.
Only time I've had 6 zombies at once is when I shot someone, just try to go around. I have a pistol/hammer/medpac and a bunch of food/water. Logged off now though, just killed someone, was too scared to be friendly with him :3, what server is everyone playing on?
I can't be much more stealthy than going prone with my hammer in hand, then 6 zombies all turn around and chase me :(

Also what's the point in not deleting your char when they die, if you start with nothing.
How *IS* the detection, anyway? I don't quite understand what the detection range is when running/sprinting/crouched/prone day/night etc.
@Neil79, you told me about a server or clan or something last night that was mainly ocuk guys, can't remember what you told me to google. couldn't hit me up with that info again?

also i seen mentioned earlier in the thread some folks talking about renting a server. i'd merrily donate on a monthly basis if it helps

www.skunkdogz.com m8 ;)
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