*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Well played for a few hours. Is there anyway to get a refund?

Horribly rushed and textures and terrain look like something from the 90s. Will give it another go tomorrow I guess but so much worse than I was expecting.
Well played for a few hours. Is there anyway to get a refund?

Horribly rushed and textures and terrain look like something from the 90s. Will give it another go tomorrow I guess but so much worse than I was expecting.

Shame you don't like it, you can get a refund, they have a live chat. Quick way to get to it is to go to your email and click on the link, normally you get an error and it takes you to live chat.

If that method has changed they do still have chat so just need to find it.
second night...

spawned in my previous location at the top of the map. moved through a few small towns getting nothing much. took a long time to get to the city I was going to. after an hour or so I hadn't seen a single person. started to wonder what I was doing.

found some body armour and the bigger back pack. climber a high rise and was just about to quit when I spy what looks like a person. it is! oh wait...there's four of them. and they don't look friendly. I track them as they approach my building. I know I have no chance but hopefully I can take one of them out. they haven't seen me yet. I step back from the side of the building...I get spotted. I get shot...i'm dead.

Probably should have acted a bit sooner but actually froze a bit excited just to see another group. Part of me wanted to ask to join them but it clearly wasn't going to happen. I could have just quit out with my loot...but that felt wrong after an hour of looking for someone.

Anyway I have mixed feelings over the game. 2 hours playtime which has been pretty boring and taken a long time to get from A to B. But then a few minutes of real exciting stuff even if I am just getting shot.

I feel the game would benefit greatly from vehicles - not sure if that's in the plans or not but at the moment it just seems to take too long to get anywhere.

Are there certain hotspots on the maps that I should head towards for more action?
this does seem like decent fun to not take too seriously but I still think dayz will be the proper game to play when its released as a stand alone
Spils I think you were on eu 99 last night with me and scope. Called a truce on the server as there were barely any players lol had to turn it of as we had been searching for food for hours !

Yer came on for a little while. whats your characters names in game ?
says i cant access that for some reason ?mind posting the info here ?

Hello all, your friendly neighborhood SP here!

I just wanted to drop everyone a line on what's going on over here.

As I'm sure all of you are aware, there's been a lot of discussion lately surrounding the hackers. Over here we've been working round the clock on a solution - however, that's meant we've had to push back Clans a bit, so its looking more like next week. We're also investigating a number of bugs, such as the ability to glitch onto roofs, and item duplication.

In the mean time our design and art teams have been kicking some serious tail getting some polish work in and pushing towards full map completion.

Also - we've fixed the mossberg spawns, and item spawns in general should start rounding out soon (as in a cleaner balance of food to water to weaponry). As always, we love reading your feedback, so keep it coming!
second night...

spawned in my previous location at the top of the map. moved through a few small towns getting nothing much. took a long time to get to the city I was going to. after an hour or so I hadn't seen a single person. started to wonder what I was doing.

found some body armour and the bigger back pack. climber a high rise and was just about to quit when I spy what looks like a person. it is! oh wait...there's four of them. and they don't look friendly. I track them as they approach my building. I know I have no chance but hopefully I can take one of them out. they haven't seen me yet. I step back from the side of the building...I get spotted. I get shot...i'm dead.

Probably should have acted a bit sooner but actually froze a bit excited just to see another group. Part of me wanted to ask to join them but it clearly wasn't going to happen. I could have just quit out with my loot...but that felt wrong after an hour of looking for someone.

Anyway I have mixed feelings over the game. 2 hours playtime which has been pretty boring and taken a long time to get from A to B. But then a few minutes of real exciting stuff even if I am just getting shot.

I feel the game would benefit greatly from vehicles - not sure if that's in the plans or not but at the moment it just seems to take too long to get anywhere.

Are there certain hotspots on the maps that I should head towards for more action?

Pretty much sums up my experience so far. Spent about an hour last night without seing any players and gathered some decent gear. Finally see my first survivor and im shot dead !

Respawn later on with no equipment, not even a flashlight which makes it very tricky once zombies chase.

Eventually got away but was shot dead by someone off here. My fault tho as I couldnt get chat to work when he was asking me to identify myself and he did say sorry before pulling the trigger !
Yeah it was. Recognise your name ha ha.

I couldnt reply in chat for some reason so just tried to stand still and hope you felt sorry for me !

So sorry mate.

We'd had a bit of a bad run over the last hour. Randal met up with us twice and both times brought a horde o zombies to our doorstep.

He got eaten and Witcher/Vorhees got booted and I spotted you. Chased you down and thought it was weird that you weren't moving. Got paranoid and had to end you. On the plus side, I did apologise first :)
Ha ha no worries, I literally had nothing so it caused me no harm.

Shame I couldnt get chat to work. Just after that someone else off here came on and tried to speak on global but I couldnt reply then either.
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