*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Who's online right now, i'm bored solo'ing

Also just had an interesting exchange. Was in big supermarket in Parkerville, hear footsteps, go prone, local chat says "anyone there", I reply "yes" and they walk into shot, bang, they're dead.

Then 2 minutes later another guy comes on chat, says not to shoot him, he's only after food and he can give me stanag 30. I tell him i'm in police station to come and drop ammo. He does, so I come down from freeway ramp with my gun on him, he only has hammer. He gives me 2 Stanag 30 clips and asks for nothing back except not to be shot. So i gave him 2 MRE's.

Little moments like this restore faith in War Z humanity :D
I am on the lower player servers just stocking up on stuff so I never have to run around with a hammer etc, just get to a safe zone and I have a weapon again. Just do what randel did and run like hell with a trail of zeds behind lol.
LOL I gave this guy a torch as I felt bad for him, another guy tried to kill me but his aim was shocking. He ran out of bullets so I got up close and personal and popped a few shots in his head. Another guy also had a rubbish aim, he ran out of ammo and ran away lol both of these were at the airfield. Then I stumbled across these guys, almost wet myself and ran off in the other direction as fast as I could:

rofl how many do they want in one group!

Precisely why big groups are a bad idea, can be seen for miles :p
oo just found myself a AA-12 auto shotgun at the ranger station.

Was pitch black sitting in a barn when I looked out the window and noticed 2 guys on their way towards to me. I say "stop there" and get no reply. Some guy then runs off and the other one keeps getting closer and closer. He attacks some zombies so while he's doing that I put 5 rounds in him... dead.

I wait for the other guy to revenge his fallen partner as I sit up on the platform of the barn. He walks in, bang and he's dead.

Chat fills up with "why?", "why do that?" and I reply "you didn't respond" :p

Picked up 3 mags of M4/M16 ammo and a M16 too.
I see there are two new character types to unlock now. I seem to have 1300GC too, somehow! The new models are nice, but where did the hot chick model go?!?!

Edit: the GCs don't actually work, so the page must be a WiP.
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If anyone would be kind enough to trust me a key I would be very grateful as really want to try this out, but being on poor 'ol student, cant purchase yet :(
LOL I gave this guy a torch as I felt bad for him, another guy tried to kill me but his aim was shocking. He ran out of bullets so I got up close and personal and popped a few shots in his head. Another guy also had a rubbish aim, he ran out of ammo and ran away lol both of these were at the airfield. Then I stumbled across these guys, almost wet myself and ran off in the other direction as fast as I could:

ROFL - was that last night on EU 99 ??? - there was quite a lot of fire going down on the airfield and we sneaked over to the farm, half my group got killed up at the barn. I was down below the barn watching from a distance, when the coast was clear I walked up and got mauled to death by the zombie horde :(

Nah this was today during the day on EU 173 or 174 (forgot). I should have taken a video, I watched these guys for quite a bit it was really funny, they rolled through the farm and took out every Zombie they saw. Hammers, guns firing was great to watch. They steam rolled right through without a care in the world. Poor zeds never stood a chance. You can see 7 ( the third from right was a zed getting owned) but I think I counted 10 in total, some went over the fence first. The server only had 15 players at the time.
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