*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

We have been known to help each other out. Our regular server is normally number 99, if you join that and type ocuk then you can find out where others are and meet up.

Although it's probably better joining a voice server so you don't give your position away in chat :p
I'm feeling a little guilty.

Running at the edge of the map towards the north, i've proned to make a cup of tea. I get back, pop up and start running, suddenly see another guy coming my way, he has no clue i'm there. I could let him run past but see he has an M4 and I want it. 2 x 3 round bursts later, he's dead and has an m4, jericho, mossberg and lots of ammo.

However he's friendly on the chat, doesn't rage, makes me feel a bit guilty, he was just gutted that in the far reaches of the map in the middle of nowhere, we happened to run past each other.
That's just the way it goes, really. If you wander around with a visible firearm I don't think you can expect any quarter. I swear by low pop servers now: just managed to get a handful of guns and other gear into my GI. The server had three people on it. It made a nice change as usually when I find a gun it means I'm about to be shot. I kinda wish my other chars could choose to spawn in the safe one though...
Yeah lower number servers are the place to be. Weapons should be hidden in back packs and not on shoulders really, would stop situations like this where people kill for the guns :p
Agreed there about being little point in not killing. I feel like there should be more zombies and they should be faster and have wider detection to loud noise. Gunfire for example in a city should bring 20 zombies down on the area pretty quickly.

At the moment surely it's all about killing other players - otherwise you're just running around picking up guns and food. The zombies don't really pose a threat.

Some sort of bounty system would work well i think. You should be able to set your status to friendly and if you get killed then the person that killed you gets a bounty on them or something. Of course you would need some way of tracking high-bounty targets. Also there should be punishment for being high bounty - a 2 minute logout unless in a safe zone or something like that - or no entry to safe zones.

So much potential with this game. Shame i cant get on the official forums at work.
Shame we have to register just to look, I hate being forced to do that so I normally don't :p

You do not have to do anything if you do not want ;)

I have only posted it for people who want a group to play with, if not then simply ignore it. There is normally around a group of 6-10 playing most evenings.
Running around just killing other players, whats the point in that?

Stealing their loot? Kill them before they kill you?

Yes it's not the best situation at the moment but the game is in Alpha and hopefully will be improved over time.

Don't need to register ;) :p

Nothing really major, just a place for my buddies to hang out but everyone is welcome

Nice not forced so I registered :D Will keep looking on it.

Yeah we need a shed load more zombies, but to be fair if you spawn with nothing it is harder to get in and out of towns as they do a nice amount of damage now. But once you get a weapon it is a walk in the park. I actually got stuck in a shop yesterday with no weapons and zombies all around the counter (they could not get behind) That was a pretty cool moment.

Are they planning to implement voice chat?

God I hope not, annoying having to mute everyone like on DayZ when they all talk in side chat....
I believe so, it needs it really. It takes too long having to type, you should just be able to shout STOP or beg for your life.
Stealing their loot? Kill them before they kill you?

Yes it's not the best situation at the moment but the game is in Alpha and hopefully will be improved over time.

Really? doesnt sound like much of a game, but heaven for people who like that kind of play

iwouldnt just randomly shoot someone for there loot, only if they posed a threat, its just the goons who like doing that in games i find
Really? doesnt sound like much of a game, but heaven for people who like that kind of play

iwouldnt just randomly shoot someone for there loot, only if they posed a threat, its just the goons who like doing that in games i find

that's just it though, you don't know who is a threat.

You could have 4 M4s in your back pack while heading back to the safe zone and come across someone with a pistol. Would you class him as a threat?

I've let people go if they have melee weapons, likewise I've dropped stuff for people if they have needed it.

I'd much rather not be seen and attract no attention then go everywhere with guns blazing. However if I come across someone with a weapon the chances are they are going to see me and a "best man wins" encounter will ensue.

I was in a barn looting in the darkness and had 2 guys heading in my direction. They hadn't seen me, I typed "stop there" and got no response. They carried on in my direction, 1v2 and they both had guns, I wasn't going to risk loosing my stash because I was too friendly.
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Really? doesnt sound like much of a game, but heaven for people who like that kind of play

iwouldnt just randomly shoot someone for there loot, only if they posed a threat, its just the goons who like doing that in games i find

It's the same on DayZ. I imagine it's going to worse on this looking at the community on the official forums!
That's why its better to play as a group or with some friends so you have some defense and can be more friendly to others.

If people want to be bandits then why can't they be bandits?

Hate to say this but if this was 'real life' and you had found food and water during a zombie Apocalypse, would you be happy with someone just walking over to you with their rifle drawn and think "oh he's just being friendly" :p
ok, if theres no questing in the game, whats the point of it then? just looting and shooting each other, that,ll get old pretty damn quick.
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