*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

When it comes to release they will be. I think there was also mention of them doing it in a week or two as well, although it may have just been a rumour?


Beaten ^^
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The issue as many have said is that at present there isn't anything to do other than find loot and fight.

The zombies don't pose much of a threat. And if you don't plan on killing anyone you simply end up collecting stuff waiting for someone to kill you.

At present the best way to play would certainly be to gang up - loot away and then start hunting down bandits.

There are loads of ways they can make the game better - adding missions, being able to hold and take territory, having a crafting system to encourage trading. At present people are just gonna kill or be killed. I still like it but it can be very frustrating.
The issue as many have said is that at present there isn't anything to do other than find loot and fight.

The zombies don't pose much of a threat. And if you don't plan on killing anyone you simply end up collecting stuff waiting for someone to kill you.

At present the best way to play would certainly be to gang up - loot away and then start hunting down bandits.

There are loads of ways they can make the game better - adding missions, being able to hold and take territory, having a crafting system to encourage trading. At present people are just gonna kill or be killed. I still like it but it can be very frustrating.

Before they opened more of the map up and removed the GI access, I was quite happy stocking up on all the food and drink I coulld find. Only because one of my other characters was across into the "inaccessible" part of the map exploring... :D
Just got ganked and lost my M4 with the c-mag so I respawned in the same area and hunted the guy down, he was still sat where he'd killed me, lol, I had so much I guess he was picking and choosing.
But did you take him down and reclaim what was rightfully yours?! :D

Ha ha, I took the lot, his m4 as well.

Whats funny is he got on chat and said I was lucky and to be sure i took the m4 with the c-mag on it, he didn't even know I was the guy he just killed.

I think they need to let you know the name of who you shoot as well as who shot you.
Good stuff, and what a muppet he is!!

I think it will be added eventuallly - the death screen where it says you were "Killed by Survivor" would be the obvious place...
get the suggestions on the site then and they will hopefully add them all

I much prefer putting my suggestions for improvements with other dev teams, like Crytek. This should hopefully be the third installment where an iteration of my persona willl be in it :D
Just got this and I'm loving it atm, just had my first civilian kill and got myself a tasty shotgun :D

Also: I have 2 spare guest passes, first come first serve.


I died to a survivor for the first time last night. He was being chased by zombies and had nothing so I thought I'd do the first nice thing of my playtime (So far was on a 21 kill streak including a bandit or two :P). After saving him and telling him to back away slowly... he left the building, obviously found a hammer around the back, and papped me in the back of the head whilst I was tracking another guy across Campos. Last time I help anyone I don't know. Everyone will be shot on sight. Lost an M16, 2 P226's, a shotgun and a load of AK mags. :/
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