*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

I'd like to get together with OcUK players on WarZ more. Everyone else on the game seems to have banded into clans (Found as many as 12 on a server the other day completely occupying the airfield...).

Do you have mumble?

Join this server -

I play with a few of my mates and we're happy to have people join us.

Will be possibly playing this afternoon but will be around tonight for sure :)
Do you have mumble?

Join this server -

I play with a few of my mates and we're happy to have people join us.

Will be possibly playing this afternoon but will be around tonight for sure :)

I do, will probably jump on this evening and see if anyone is around. At work atm.

This isn't a troll, just wondering what you enjoy most about Warz and will you still be buying Dayz Standalone?

War Z works out the box, no real bugs and it just feels more fun than Day Z. The animations of both player and zombie killed Day Z for me plus the numerous bugs.

I will buy Day Z standalone but will have to be better than the current mod.

I'm 3 weeks in on War Z and yet to see a hacker, maybe i'm just lucky.
Everything is just that much better then DayZ imo, gameplay is smoother and the zombies don't move silly like in DayZ. Will I be buying DayZ as well, hell yeah. They both have good and bad points, they are not exactly the same so they both have a place in my collection. But WarZ has the edge I think.

See i'm the complete opposite. I see it as quite a cheap feeling game. I do like the way you pick things up tho... but thats about it!

I hate collecting items and storing them. Its just boring.

How do you find running from area to area? I feel like slitting my wrists when i have to meet up with some1!
yep it's available in the UK :)

Just convert it to pounds, think the cheapest package is about £16

It's alpha at the moment but an open alpha.
See i'm the complete opposite. I see it as quite a cheap feeling game. I do like the way you pick things up tho... but thats about it!

I hate collecting items and storing them. Its just boring.

How do you find running from area to area? I feel like slitting my wrists when i have to meet up with some1!

I don't run across the map to meet people really, if OcUK members are close by I will ask them to wait or they start to move towards me and we meet, if they are to far away I don't think it is fair they wait etc so I just go around on my own which I enjoy doing as I normally do play lone wolf. Not much point in storing anything right now apart from a few hammers and food/water as it is all getting reset. You have to look at the bigger picture as well as this is just an Alpha right now where things are being fixed and what not. They are adding a shed load of content that will make this game really amazing. I am looking foward to seeing the big un-killable beast that we hear making all those noises at night :)

EDIT: I also forget DayZ is still Alpha so looking forward to see what's added for retail, they have to step up now with WarZ out and its planned features. So I hope things get added to DayZ and it is not just a game that will be the same minus bugs. (i dont read the DayZ forum so no idea what's planned) Just my opinions :)
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See i'm the complete opposite. I see it as quite a cheap feeling game. I do like the way you pick things up tho... but thats about it!

I hate collecting items and storing them. Its just boring.

How do you find running from area to area? I feel like slitting my wrists when i have to meet up with some1!

It is a big issue for me. Why i think we need vehicles - even if it's just quad bikes there needs to be a quicker way to travel.

Also i would like to be able to spawn on another player - obviously they would have to agree so some sort of spawn on friend feature would be good.
Pardon for not reading the rest of the Thread but... Is this game available on Steam or is it through some other platform?
Hmm well I am on the blurred side of the map :) I spawned in the sky and landed on the other side, has a huge base that I have come across, most of it seems empty atm though.
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