*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

A lot of people who will kill you are server jumping the same spot, you're looting and they happened to spawn in clear view of you, it's just bad luck.

Play a little in the mornings if you can, stay to the 9 player or less servers and you'll be able to loot a lot of stuff ready for an evenings "real" play :D
Thanks for the Tips. ;)

Il try and avoid those towns you mentioned,i did have binoculars and checked out several places before i entered them but seriously this guy who killed me came from nowhere,I'm wondering if he just joined and spawned in the area i was just leaving because he came behind me. :D

What do you guys find better?...a Hatchet or a Knife?

The Hatchet seems to kill Zs with about 2 or 3 strikes to the head,did not get chance to try the Knife yet.

A gun. :p
Seems like there's a new patch this morning. Can anyone post the notes please? I haven't registered with their forum yet and can't be bothered this morning.
Seems like there's a new patch this morning. Can anyone post the notes please? I haven't registered with their forum yet and can't be bothered this morning.

Nothing major :)

Show dev accounts in player list and in chat
Fixed reload bug (hearing reload sounds across the map)
Fixed bug with being stuck in narrow location when logging in
Show server reboot message in chat
Fixed bug with swapped currencies in unlock new char window
Minor map fixes

Although the devs have confirmed there will be a "zombie bigfoot/sasquatch" brought into the game. That's what all the freaky noises are in the mountains. It's not live yet but will be soon. Apparently it will be unkillable but there will be very good loot nearby.
Right...30, yes 30 server jumps done in the same spot, the tent/sniper hide on pleasant valley hill.

Results = 1 empty AKM, 2 x Sig Sauers and 3 x FN57's, really not worth the jumping, I don't know how people have the patience for it.

That's my first and last server jumping for loot experience.
I've tried it and tbh I find it better in the villages as not many people do it in towns compared to the 'weapon hot spots'

Joined this morning and popped into smallville, was dark. Started looking through the buildings and then heard some footsteps, walked into the shop and saw some loot on the floor from an earlier kill. Switched to 3rd person and managed to maneuver myself to the point where I could see a guy hiding in the corner either waiting for his buddy to come back and collect everything up or baiting people in.

Then a zombie came into the building haha so I killed that and then popped round the corner and killed the bloke point blank with my trusty mossberg.

"Cheater" was screamed across proximity chat hehe

Guy had loads on him, two AA-12s, AA-12 drum, two AKMs, two M16s, 9mm mags, STANAG mags. He congratulated me on a job well done and said something about getting out alive.. so I logged off and joined a different server :p

Poor guy, either must have spent hours collecting that stuff or had been lucky with the fella he killed.

Do I feel guilty? Not in the slightest, his loot will protect me for a long time to come.
Another session last night. I think I just missed some of you guys as there were a couple of ocuk tags but they left soon after I joined.

First go I spawned in Boulder (i think) City - not much there at all. Anyway ran round a corner to be confronted by 3 humans. I literally had nothing - not even a flashlight. Told them this in chat. They killed me.

Second game got mauled by zombies trying to get a weapon after starting with nothing.

Third go was really good. Found a rifle and shotty as well as a bunch of ammo. Got to safe zone and dumped the shotty and went for a walk round smallville with rifle - seems to be a bit of a hotspot. I got shot at as I was heading into a store so laid low for a few minutes then ventured out.

Everything seemed clear but then saw a guy being chased by a zombie. Pretty sure he had nothing as why else would he be running! So I run over and take out the zombie with my hammer. I run round the corner to find him and he lays down and asks not to shoot. I told him to take my spare bat and wished him good luck. Felt like a hero.

I run off round the corner only to be gunned down immediately by some bandit - probably the one who shot at me earlier. So much for karma!

Doesn't seem much point in looking for loads of loot with the wipe coming so will head on tonight with my shotty and go for some kills.
Yeah no point in collecting stuff really, I just stash loads of water/food so I have lots as sometimes it can be hard to come by. I also make sure I have a big stash of hammers as starting with nothing is really annoying.
Who killed you, I don't think i have actually played with you yet, last might I only met up with n00bie and the 2 randoms

oh I thought it was you I was in a group with last night! So many names an characters it's getting confusing.

My bad, I was on mumble with Spills
Will be on hopefully this afternoon.

Finishing work early as i'm having Virgin broadband installed so once that's done i'll be gaming :)
Everything is just that much better then DayZ imo, gameplay is smoother and the zombies don't move silly like in DayZ. Will I be buying DayZ as well, hell yeah. They both have good and bad points, they are not exactly the same so they both have a place in my collection. But WarZ has the edge I think.
I'd like to get together with OcUK players on WarZ more. Everyone else on the game seems to have banded into clans (Found as many as 12 on a server the other day completely occupying the airfield...).
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