*** Infestation: Survivor Stories ***

Another night, another collection of food and supplies (no weapons) and another bludgeoning with a hammer. These guys appeared friendly at first too, douche nozzles.
already sick of every person i meet killing me I need to wait for my mates to get this and stick to a group, going solo is a real pain i wish you would start with at least one melee weapon to defend yourself and a flashlight by default.
already sick of every person i meet killing me I need to wait for my mates to get this and stick to a group, going solo is a real pain i wish you would start with at least one melee weapon to defend yourself and a flashlight by default.

You need to learn to play m8, keep hidden blah blah I am always lone wolf and I don't die much at all. I do get killed but I also do a fair bit of killing myself. Well I say I am always lone wolf I do team up sometimes. It is not the game that is getting you killed it is your own actions :p
You need to learn to play m8, keep hidden blah blah I am always lone wolf and I don't die much at all. I do get killed but I also do a fair bit of killing myself. Well I say I am always lone wolf I do team up sometimes. It is not the game that is getting you killed it is your own actions :p

any ideas on why i cant buy the game? been refreshing the page every 5mins waiting for your answer :P
Nice game tonight Jamor. Crazy fire fight in Smallville :cool: Your take on the post office was boss

Was crazy stuff, still don't know how I got into that post office. I bet the person I killed was thinking the same thing :p

Wonder if he thought I had been waiting there for the entire time ha

I'm now officially a bandit :(
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Stayed alive for ages in my last play,found lots of food,a Knife,Hatchet...not one gun or ammo though. :/

Did not see anyone other than Zs too,but this guy must have been following me or something i stopped for a second to type something and bam knifed me from behind!

To be honest though,i might put in for a refund on this game...its too boring and too many killers out there,Virtually no one is friendly.

I think this game is only good if you team up 3+ with someone you actually know in real life or your stuffed.

Does anyone have issues with searching and manually choosing a server?...everytime i do it says its full even though its showing as only half full.
always have to quick join.
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Have been server jumping the same spot, where the hidden sniper hide is on the hill in pleasant valley.

It's definitely a good spot, roughly every 3 jumps I get a weapon.

So far I have an AKM, FN59 and Sig Sauer.

I'm going by the rule if I don't find a weapon after 5 jumps, i'll go away, haven't needed to yet :D

I think this game is only good if you team up 3+ with someone you actually know in real life or your stuffed.

I solo 90% of the time and I rarely die. Always move carefully, check out your next spot with binoculars before you move. Always move with your weapon drawn ready to kill.

Avoid Clearview, Smallville and Campos City until you have a firearm, you WILL get killed there otherwise.

Check out the small farms and cabins, you'll get weapons there and not many people. Once you're armed, then enter the bigger towns.
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I find all the guns in the main towns along with dead bodies and lots of bandits hiding in Buildings it would be better if there where more friendlies maybe the zombies need to be tougher to get people to work together wandering round houses upstairs etc or objectives with good loot or bonuses that you need a team for in the final game.
You need to learn to play m8, keep hidden blah blah I am always lone wolf and I don't die much at all. I do get killed but I also do a fair bit of killing myself. Well I say I am always lone wolf I do team up sometimes. It is not the game that is getting you killed it is your own actions :p

I can stay alive if I keep hidden but that's boring the trouble is back stabbing p****s you team up and they always turn on you gets really annoying and makes you become them in the end just killing everyone instead of trying to help.
DO NOT team up with randoms. I'm 3 weeks in and myself and noobie trusted someone last night and also let another random on the team.

All is going well then suddenly, 3 shots and he's killed us all, seemed so friendly on chat and all as well.
A simple is hint is, they may be roleplaying, so its not even worth bothering to friend people in this bullet eat unarmed civilian with a flashlight world.

Also first time playing, seems fun, mind you it was only with 10% of the population on, either way, I found several head items, 3 Assualt rifles and a AA-12 shotgun (whatever you call it).

I feel naughty.
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I solo 90% of the time and I rarely die. Always move carefully, check out your next spot with binoculars before you move. Always move with your weapon drawn ready to kill.

Avoid Clearview, Smallville and Campos City until you have a firearm, you WILL get killed there otherwise.

Check out the small farms and cabins, you'll get weapons there and not many people. Once you're armed, then enter the bigger towns.

Thanks for the Tips. ;)

Il try and avoid those towns you mentioned,i did have binoculars and checked out several places before i entered them but seriously this guy who killed me came from nowhere,I'm wondering if he just joined and spawned in the area i was just leaving because he came behind me. :D

What do you guys find better?...a Hatchet or a Knife?

The Hatchet seems to kill Zs with about 2 or 3 strikes to the head,did not get chance to try the Knife yet.
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