Injury Thread

New injury!!

I think (but bloody hope not) that I may have broken my big toe on my right foot. Bugger!
Was playing football in the garden with my 3 year old and stubbed my (admittedly rather large already) big toe. yes, muppet. Will take a pic in a min :D
swelling has gone down but the bruising is coming on (up the toe and across it rather than at the point of impact which is what makes me think it could be broken).


Injury - Ruptured ACL ligament, ruptured PCL ligament, grade 3 tear of the MCL ligament, bruised bone in the knee region and slightly torn cartilege.

Cause - Fat person falling on my leg playing 5 a sides.

Been operated on already and have been in rehab now for 2 weeks.

Its driving me nuts....
I got Osgood-Schlatters at about 16, but now it doesn't both me at all. I can still jump:

I had that and it still flares up from time to time. I'm 18 now. Just recently got over torn knee cartilage that I picked up trying to cross with the outside of my foot while the ball was in the air playing football. Finally back to being able to shoot without the fear of being back at Recovery Square One.
Another new injury (this is annoying now):

While doing negative dips with 20kg between my legs (150kg in total), one of the tendons in my wrist seems to have become hurt :/ its painful to even use my left hand to support me while getting out of a chair :<

on a good note, i was actually able to do a couple of dips @ 150kg. Promising news for my bench 1rm i would have thought (not that I have done BB bench properly in a whole now)!
I may as well add mine as it was annoying while it lasted.

Injury: Possible cracked rib (or 2)

Cause: Running into a tree too fast whilst paintballing, forgot to stop in time :(.

Can still feel it now when i sneeze, but over the last 4 weeks it has been absolute agony when doin anything.
Injury: ITBFS (Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome)
Cause: Hiking long distances with a heavy pack and football, although not really a cause as it's a condition rather than an injury as such but it's what first made me aware of it

It really hurts my knee when it flares up but I've learnt how to warm up and not overload it and it's been mostly fine for years now.
An Injury I had with my back about a year and a half ago seems to be coming back! Started working in an office again and sitting in a chair all day just causes my back to flair up! sucks as it not only hurts when i'm in the office but is causing my problems in the gym, cycling, playing golf etc
luckily im ok at the moment *touch wood*

however the worst two injuries i had were:

As a keeper i ran out and sombody stood on the side of my head, the back of my ear got ripped and i had to walk around looking like a mummy for a bout a week to make sure i didnt get cauliflower ear!

The worse injury i had was simply caused by taking a dead ball kick, i damanged my right quads and basicially instead of my muscles being 'straight' they looked like spaghetti junction and i was on crutchs and rehab for about 4months

Injury: Knackered right knee - damaged MCL, LCL, torn ACL (sort of, who knows), fractured bone, cartilage damage.

Cause: ****ing baskeball

Inury: Pulled Tibialis anterior it would seem to be.

Cause: Must have been when I was playing football with my brother yesterday. But it only started to hurt after I had got home, had a shower and was lying on the sofa watching TV. It hurts so much, especially when I walk, feels like some one has hit me in the leg with a shovel.

Injury: Knackerd feet.

Cause: On going problem really from over use, I guess you would say. Stress fractures mainly, worst was when my left foot died and I couldn't walk for 5 days. Right foot used to die for a couple of seconds quite often when playing basketball (when im not injured). Leave it a while, give my foot a stomp on the floor and all seems fine and away I go.
turn the flash on, it will make it look 100x worse!


I'd like to think that it is more realistic, rather than worse :p

oh and i blame my boss for this. i told him I was playing tonight, and he said "so playing just in time to get hurt for the weekend" barsteward.

oh, and an old one:


^ that was a stick... I put my head in the wrong place :p
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