Top work Intel, and open source, anyone can use it, Hurray!
Nothing against Nvidia per se, but, i hate the way everything they do is proprietary, how everything they do is to try and lock you in to their eco system, so i'm always happy when someone else does the same thing just as well and makes it available to everyone, in other words i like seeing others peeing on Nvidia's proprietary camp-fire.
You're a star Intel.
Intel is no shining knight though
As GN mentioned, this is Intel recognising it's starting from a position of 0% discrete gaming market share - it can't come in and make grand demands like Nvidia has tried to do, not until it commands significant market share - so if XeSS is to survive for longer than a few months it can't only run on Intel graphics cards so designing it to run on all of the competitors products is a good move that means up to 100% of the market can use your SDK
I just love it that we have a 3rd option now, every GPU Intel sells takes food out of Nvidia and AMD's mouths and that will light a fire up the ass