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Intel has a Pretty Big Problem..

5 Aug 2017
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
They may be, but to be frank am not sure if I would trust them until they'd been out a year or so just to be sure for me to go Intel again.

I dunno for all the drama etc they still have some of the best engineers on the planet so you can never write them off... they will come back strong once they get their house in order... Old Pat has some stuff to answer for for sure.
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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
That's the problem I recon you should!! I can't think of many applications these days where rocking Intel is kinda required. I mean there are likely some obscure ones out there like some old compilers etc but your missing out my man. Think of all the cool stuff you could play with like 3d v-cache and, and, stuff....

Also what about the msi claw... or you not that desperate yet?

I do a lot of stuff where Intel is still the better option (lots of old game modding tools were written for Intel CPUs and even in this day and age it can be a fair time difference with some operations). It is also the better balance of performance for me currently - the 7800X3D has the gaming performance but falls down massively in some stuff I use the system for while the 7950 chips are quite a bit more money without pulling that much away from the 14700K, at least in the stuff I do - some applications they do have a bigger advantage.

The MSI Claw doesn't seem that great - but the Legion Go has some neat and useful features for me with the ability to detach the controllers and use it with the flip stand and a good size screen/resolution, etc.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
I do a lot of stuff where Intel is still the better option (lots of old game modding tools were written for Intel CPUs and even in this day and age it can be a fair time difference with some operations). It is also the better balance of performance for me currently - the 7800X3D has the gaming performance but falls down massively in some stuff I use the system for while the 7950 chips are quite a bit more money without pulling that much away from the 14700K, at least in the stuff I do - some applications they do have a bigger advantage.

The MSI Claw doesn't seem that great - but the Legion Go has some neat and useful features for me with the ability to detach the controllers and use it with the flip stand and a good size screen/resolution, etc.

I don't think the claw reviewed well anywhere. This current iteration of Intel low power silicon just can't seem to get close to chips like the z1... that z1 is absurdly good for what it is when you look at it objectively... utterly bonkers.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I don't think the claw reviewed well anywhere. This current iteration of Intel low power silicon just can't seem to get close to chips like the z1... that z1 is absurdly good for what it is when you look at it objectively... utterly bonkers.

Bit off topic now but aside from the idle/low power utilisation (no exaggeration but my 14700K can be tuned for less power use under idle states) the CPU is ridiculous for what it is - easily hanging it with the 5000 series desktop parts at 30-35 watt TDP and even at 5 watt TDP keeps up with, or beats, my old Xeon system and so far the mix of 4x Zen 4 and 4x Zen4c cores doesn't seem to cause any issues like is sometimes seen with E cores or some AMD CPUs with mixed CCDs.
Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
Bit off topic now but aside from the idle/low power utilisation (no exaggeration but my 14700K can be tuned for less power use under idle states) the CPU is ridiculous for what it is - easily hanging it with the 5000 series desktop parts at 30-35 watt TDP and even at 5 watt TDP keeps up with, or beats, my old Xeon system and so far the mix of 4x Zen 4 and 4x Zen4c cores doesn't seem to cause any issues like is sometimes seen with E cores or some AMD CPUs with mixed CCDs.

Yea that's my bad that is, I've been throughly impressed with the z1 more of that please from both sides... should probably get back onto this Intel issue. Sorry for the old thread derail people!! As you were :cry:
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