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Intel has a Pretty Big Problem..

Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
So when i decide to rma my 13900K, will it be with Overclockers where i bought it from, or direct with intel ?
An edit to my earlier reply: I was reading the experiences in this thread:

Apparently you CAN get a refund from Intel, but it looks like you have to specifically ask for one? I don't know if there are any conditions on it, e.g. US only, or within a certain purchase date.
11 Sep 2009
Damn, I was checking ocuk prices for the 13900KS £800, I don't remember paying that =/ Competitor is ridiculously cheaper, is there something special about the ocuk ones? The 14900KS is cheaper at 690
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17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
19 Oct 2002
18 Oct 2002
Well I'm feeling pretty good, bought a 5900X at launch which failed due to instability out of the box, bought another to replace it and had similar problems as it began to degrade after a while and replaced it with a... 13th gen Intel. :D

The Intel hasn't had a single problem in the 20 months or so I've owned it but I dumped AMD because I'd lost confidence in them and now this, not sure what I should have done differently besides not upgrade.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Well I'm feeling pretty good, bought a 5900X at launch which failed due to instability out of the box, bought another to replace it and had similar problems as it began to degrade after a while and replaced it with a... 13th gen Intel. :D

The Intel hasn't had a single problem in the 20 months or so I've owned it but I dumped AMD because I'd lost confidence in them and now this, not sure what I should have done differently besides not upgrade.

Yeah I'm coming from hugely long term stability with Intel Xeons, etc. buying into the consumer desktop platform with the 14700K because Intel just don't do the HEDT stuff like they used to and I finally needed to update my gaming system and now I'm like hmmm.
28 May 2007
Yeah I'm coming from hugely long term stability with Intel Xeons, etc. buying into the consumer desktop platform with the 14700K because Intel just don't do the HEDT stuff like they used to and I finally needed to update my gaming system and now I'm like hmmm.

Intel will still happily sell a high end desktop chip for silly money.
31 Dec 2010
Damn, I was checking ocuk prices for the 13900KS £800, I don't remember paying that =/ Competitor is ridiculously cheaper, is there something special about the ocuk ones? The 14900KS is cheaper at 690
So is this an unofficial way to pull the product by pricing it so high nobody buys?

Or like that DC - initially they still offered 1x900K hosted machines but slapped a huge labour surcharge on them.

PCGH have a survey in their news item:
ATM they have a little over 17% saying their Core-CPU has been affected:

Now somewhat self-selecting but not random since you would have to be registered/signed-in.

Now PCGH started out as magazine and have been around for ages (I remember buying their mag while visiting Germany probably close to twenty years ago), so they may have a large audience.

What I found strange is that prior to a few weeks ago nobody was talking about it yet now we get 17%. Also glancing at the comments there are people who have done RMAs so unlikely to have been that recent.

My question is:
  • prior to this did nobody who experience anything not talk about it?
  • somehow blamed themselves?
  • or what?
11 Sep 2009
Looking at pcpart picker ocuk is the exception so far.... with a couple of others higher than you would expect. Dunno if the others will follow suit or offer them on discount. Still, I'd be panicking if I had a lot of inventory. I wouldn't be buying more that's for sure.
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Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
So is this an unofficial way to pull the product by pricing it so high nobody buys?

Or like that DC - initially they still offered 1x900K hosted machines but slapped a huge labour surcharge on them.
The second one would make sense, charge double for it 'cos you know you'll need a second one.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
What I found strange is that prior to a few weeks ago nobody was talking about it yet now we get 17%. Also glancing at the comments there are people who have done RMAs so unlikely to have been that recent.

My question is:
  • prior to this did nobody who experience anything not talk about it?
  • somehow blamed themselves?
  • or what?

Obviously impossible to know how many people who are having 13th or 14th gen stability issues are having this issue specifically also because it is a hot topic may be people voting yes because of other motivations like being anti-Intel.

I'd heard rumours of issues but nothing like this situation has blown up into. I'm active on other tech forums and/or been watching them since I became aware of this issue and something I find interesting is that on Gigabyte related forums there are hardly any reports, on MSI a small trickle, on the Asus side it is almost a regular thing - I don't know the sales difference but it isn't that level of different - my SI friend says they build about 30% more Asus systems than Gigabyte and about half the number of MSI based systems and has a similar observation that the vast majority of their returns for 13th and 14th gen CPU issues are Asus systems and to a lesser extent MSI and hardly any Gigabyte based.
Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
my SI friend says they build about 30% more Asus systems than Gigabyte and about half the number of MSI based systems and has a similar observation that the vast majority of their returns for 13th and 14th gen CPU issues are Asus systems and to a lesser extent MSI and hardly any Gigabyte based.
Don't Asus typically use the most aggressive default settings and are historically known for putting higher volts through their CPUs, which would presumably make this problem worse?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Don't Asus typically use the most aggressive default settings and are historically known for putting higher volts through their CPUs, which would presumably make this problem worse?

My opinion is open at to the explanation but in my experience Asus MCE has put more stress on CPUs than typical with other brands. I think also you tend to get more general consumers sucked in by the ROG branding, etc. who have less clue about setting things up properly, whereas people who buy the other brands are probably a little more weighted towards people who know what they are doing.
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