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Intel has a Pretty Big Problem..

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Am I able to get a refund at this stage in the game? 13900K purchased retail new in December 2022. I mean the only other option I have is a 14th gen at this stage and it doesn't seem like thats any better a choice.

I dunno about the refund side, but the 14700K isn't far off the 13900K for performance and so far only very isolated reports of this failure with them - though it is unclear at this stage how it pans out longer term and whether it just takes longer than the 14900 or only affects a smaller number of them, etc.



3 Oct 2008
AMD found a problem and delayed the chip before it becomes a problem. i don't know what your point is?
That Intel have done the same as they found a problem before it become a problem and they know about it as it was "leaked" to MLID (Or he's making it up) so this may cause a delay with Arrow Lake just like AMD have done when they pulled their CPU's.

AMD wasn't very clear or transparent the reason why they pulled their CPU's so I appplied the same thinking others have with Intel and said nobody may know untill a year later and then you questioned it but you took a gossipmonger at this word

Damn, I was checking ocuk prices for the 13900KS £800, I don't remember paying that =/ Competitor is ridiculously cheaper, is there something special about the ocuk ones? The 14900KS is cheaper at 690
Maybe the CPU's from OCUK work and competitor's ones dont.... :cry:
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21 Aug 2007
My opinion is open as to the explanation but in my experience Asus MCE has put more stress on CPUs than typical with other brands. I think also you tend to get more general consumers sucked in by the ROG branding, etc. who have less clue about setting things up properly, whereas people who buy the other brands are probably a little more weighted towards people who know what they are doing.
People who buy ASUS know less than people who buy MSI for example? Not sure I follow that logic.
18 Oct 2002
My question is:
  • prior to this did nobody who experience anything not talk about it?
  • somehow blamed themselves?
  • or what?
Well here's the thing, I ran into two separate 5900X that degraded all while being run at stock or under and no one ever said a thing about any issues with these Ryzen chips when they launched, I mean clearly there was something going on with some of those early units but you work around the issue(s) and move on, in my case I returned the first, replaced the second with a 5600X while the 5900X was RMA'd then replaced everything with an Intel, actually that's a lie I've still got the 5600X and never got around to reselling as I was expecting the new kit to break given how well things had been going...

As an individual, my experience would be chalked up to bad luck or user error but my only concern was getting my main system back up and running even though I lost quite a lot buying a 5600X to tide me over and selling the RMA. I assume most people would have a similar mindset? Not about spunking so much cash needlessly but about finding a working resolution as the priority.
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