Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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All I can think about now is that thread about girls last week where you went on about how you keep moving on to find a better one and sampling loads of women :/ Looks like you've found your keeper :(

Hope everything sorts itself out for you though.
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Yea, thought that thread would be mentioned sooner or later. Typical really, although I make it sound / make me sound worse than it is / I am.

Text this morning, doc confirmed it. :/
Yea, thought that thread would be mentioned sooner or later. Typical really, although I make it sound / make me sound worse than it is / I am.

Text this morning, doc confirmed it. :/

I won't go with the whole sanctimonious "you should have etc etc": very unhelpful comments from those who passed them.

The question is - what are you going to do? Does she want to keep it?
I though I had a few problems as well at the mo.

Good luck with what ever option you go ahead chap, sounds like your going to need it.
Dear god, that's a bad situation to find yourself in nokin. I guess one of the hazards of having a little "internet dating fun" is that it can backfire if you aren't careful enough!!

What are you both going to do about it?
Ouch that's a tough one mate, not sure how I'd react to that tbh if my gf uttered those words.... *touches as much wood as possible so as not to tempt fate*

Best you can do is support her in whatever she decides to do, as big a thing as it is for you, its a much bigger thing for her to deal with. Never know it may turn out to be one of the best things that ever happened to you :)

How long have you guys been together if you dont mind the prying?
Ouch that's a tough one mate, not sure how I'd react to that tbh if my gf uttered those words.... *touches as much wood as possible so as not to tempt fate*

Best you can do is support her in whatever she decides to do, as big a thing as it is for you, its a much bigger thing for her to deal with. Never know it may turn out to be one of the best things that ever happened to you :)

How long have you guys been together if you dont mind the prying?
2 months yesterday.
Supporting her is the ONLY thing I can do whatever she decides, as far as I can see, short of pushing her down the stairs, it's pretty much out of my hands.
Mate, it sucks that you didn't want it. But you know... do the crime and all that there's always the risk.

On the bright side, your bits are in working order (or maybe they're not and the kid will be black *sniggers*) and you're in a comfortable enough situation financially and are wise enough to do best by it.

All the same nokin: congratulations, even if it is bittersweet. :p
out of long do you guys get to know someone before you decide to make it official? as in become bf/gf?

It was a topic of conversation that came up in work today and it was interesting to hear everyone's opinions on what's too soon etc.
Depends entirely on the couple and circumstances and it's as simple as that. Personally I'd say at least a few weeks would be a healthy buffer, but if people are couple after an intense first-night, then so be it.
That's true i guess. Personally I don't like rushing things too much but i like to know if the OP is interested still.

Men are confusing though :( I get so many mixed signals

At the moment I'm just seeing how things go.

One girl i worked with got her bf's name tattooed on her after 2 weeks together. now that IS too soon! lol
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