Internet Dating.....Who Has Done it?!

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It's easy to work out who's genuine and who's not, if they are a fatty, then make a quick exit ;)

Ah well, I'll leave all that to everyone else. I'll just continue to attract girls in the normal way.. by my very presence. It's not easy being a stud but someone has to do it. :cool:
Merlin how does your mindset work?

*wanders into long thread concerning Internet dating*

*Slags off Internet dating*

*Profit* :confused:
Ah well, I'll leave all that to everyone else. I'll just continue to attract girls in the normal way.. by my very presence. It's not easy being a stud but someone has to do it. :cool:

How egotistical do you want to be? ... that kind of big headed attitude would put me off you right away.
I thought people had a sense of humour in GD. All of a sudden, everyone seems upset, lol :confused:

I wonder why.

Surprisingly not everyone is identical and surprisingly, because of this, not everyone has the same confidence levels. Saying "it's easy to walk into a bar and start chatting to someone, losers" is just ridiculous.

I wonder if the mods can see which threads have had the most deleted posts? This has got to be near the top, every time I come on something's missing or the post order has changed.
What, people aren't allowed to post in the thread if they have an opinion?

Ofc they are, but consider what reception you would get stepping into a 'Xbox Discussion thread' and said xbox's are for losers, you can't be surprised :)

Back OT. Ive been reading this thread for ages now but never posted. Been a good eye opener into the world of internet dating. I had misconceptions about it to begin with, but no more :)
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